[Edit: I wanted this to be a PM to Andrew @VK3ARR but for some reason I didn’t PM and created a new thread instead.]
Hi Andrew,
Happy New Year to you.
I write you to show you the message I’ve just got when I attempted to produce my last activation map:
The message is: No year chart data.
Strange here too. After seeing your answer, Joe @OE5JFE, I went back to the SMP tab in my browser to find that the message was still being displayed, and after clicking on Aceptar, the message disappeared and the map was correctly displayed:
Hi Joe,
I logged out and back on, then I set period from December 2020 till January 2021 and all worked fine.
Now I’ve just set the period from January 2021 to January 2021 and everything worked fine again.
The problem seems to have vanished.
[Edit: now I’ve realised that the map I got initially was not as complete as the one I’ve got now after having logged out and back on, as it now shows the S2S QSO I made with VA2EO, which was not being displayed in the previous map. Maybe it’s due to Eric VA2EO having just uploaded his activation log in this interim. Unlikely, though…]
While others are playing with SMP (see sota mapping project under online resources), they should check out time charts and stats charts, Guru. Very slick, and brings back memories.
Sometimes I have the same problem. Try this (I don´t know why but works for me) Go to the ¨Activation Map¨ of your S2S and look if you are logged, then return to your ¨Activation Map¨ and the S2S QSOs will show up.