Activation (just) on GM/SS-030

I set off yesterday morning (Sat 10.08.24) for the lovely village of Moffat in Dumfries and Galloway to tackle the 4 pointer GM/SS-030 White Coomb.

Arriving at the Grey Mare’s Tail National Trust car park at 0630 I duly fed the meter with £4 (free if a Trust Member) and fired up the Jetboil for a cuppa tea and a Danish and prepared to set off.

Weather was dry and fine but more of that later.

The start is a well defined but steep stepped path up past the incredible set of Grey Mare’s Tail waterfalls. It was quiet when I set off but on my return the car park was almost full with day trippers enjoying the falls. There is a gradual walk to Loch Skeen if you manage to get to the top. (Loch Skeen below)

The wind was starting to pick up on my ascent and although path is well defined I kept to the right hand side as some drop offs are not for the faint hearted.

There is a river crossing and on my way up and I had to find a suitable crossing that diverted off the path a few hundred yards. The Tail Burn wasn’t in spate but I didn’t want wet boots all day and my diversion required some ‘heather bashing’ to refind path.

Upwards into a headwind made slow going but another decent path into a steep section gave me some welcome height a few hundred yards from the top.

One false summit later I was on the top and boy it was windy! :see_no_evil:

A few calls on Quansheng handie at 822m got me nothing. I tried to get my fibre glass pole up but the old thing was past it’s best and finally disintegrated in 25knt gusts.

Plan B.

The Diamond 5 element Yagi was strapped to a fence stile just lower with summit in sight but even then it was still trying to break free just like my sandwiches which went for a wander in the wind.

I eventually got two calls on my Yeasu FT-7900 on 25w (yes I know it’s not QRP @MM0EFI :grin:) so persevered.

I was getting desperate and heard a couple of Amateurs having a chat on 325 and they kindly let me break in and I got my activation. I personally think Sundays are better for SOTA as I only have 2M so may stick with that day in the future.(thoughts welcome).

3 more stations eventually returned my CQ SOTA calls and one was @M7LEF on GM/SS-158 Black Mount. Happy with that I packed up and headed off the top.

With the wind now at my back I made a faster but careful descent enjoying the views.

Wet boots were inevitable on return (the crossing is just at the top of the waterfall path).

I was back at my van in an hour to a full car park passing many walkers in light gear attempting to get better views of the falls.

A welcome cup of Nettle Tea was in order (try it, it’s good for you). :coffee:

Until the next one. 73 and thanks for reading.



Good effort Doug. The pictures look amazing but obviously don’t potray the wind speed. The picture of you wearing a down jacket and hood on an August day does though!

Plan B looks good. At least it didn’t rip the fence out. :grinning:

I’m not a QRP fanatic. It just means I can travel lighter. I think I may have mentioned to you that the ft-857d and yagi are well overdue an outing. Now it’s public, I’ll need to organise something soon…


@MM0EFI there is a soft shell under the down jacket AND I had my storm pants on huddled on the stile. :rofl:

I’m quite tanned/whether beaten at the best of times but can see my hands are browner this morning. :sun_with_face:

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Great report Doug. White Coomb GM/SS-030 is one of the SOTA summits that me and my dad Tom @M1EYP plan to activate on our GM/SS trip next week, that’s hoping that the wx will be good that week. The route you have used is our planned route as well, my dad suffers from vertigo so I am sure like you, he’ll keep right of the path when the path is by the edge.

Jimmy M0HGY


Isn’t pulling bodies out of The Grey Mare’s Tale the main pastime of the Moffat MRT?

Jimmy, Better not tell Tom.


Just to clarify for all Englanders that venture north of the border, that is the English+Welsh National Trust as well as the Scottish organisation. I had to put a guy right on that when he asked me about it… after he had fed the meter and noted I wasn’t intending to do likewise and that I had a NT badge in my vehicle. I’ve saved quite a bit over the years, both south and north of the border. :grinning:

Well done on getting the four Doug to qualify the summit. I really enjoyed this one way back when in calm conditions… February 2018, oh how time flies!

73, Gerald


Andy @MM0FMF reckons that the path by the Grey Mare’s Tale is wide enough for my dad Tom @M1EYP not to suffer with vertigo. Will we see what happens when we do ascend White Coomb GM/SS-030.

Jimmy M0HGY