A warm Activaiton "Finally"

Thank you chasers for making my activation of W1/HA-150 and outstanding day. This is the second time I’ve been able to activate Black Mountain in the White Mountain National Forest and both times turned out to be a great success.

Thank you Javier and Heinz for the S2S on W1/HA-150 and Mario for W1/HA-068 S2S as DA20XOTA earlier this week. Always nice to work you. @EA2GM @OE5EEP @DJ2MX

56 QSO’s with 13 DX
5 S2S QSO’s with 2 in EU
Rig KX2 @ 5W
Trail Friendly Antenna up on a 7M carbon fishing pole


Tnx for the FB activation Fred, glad to S2S with you! And it’s good it was “warm” for you, ha ha!

Andy, N4LAG


Thanks for the S2S Fred! Nice video, one can really feel your excitement for nature and SOTA!

73, Heinz, OE5EEP


Hello Heinz,
SOTA has been a lot of fun. I’ve hiked the White Mountains of NH for many years but never thought to bring my radio. There is nothing more enjoyable than to sit on a secluded summit and work a bunch of new friends. Thank you so much for the wonderful S2S. It’s always a pleasure hearing you!
73, Fred

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Hi Andy,
It’s always nice to catch you either on summit or from a summit. A lot of the hikes I’ve done recently have been very enjoyable. Perhaps they would make good completion candidates if you and Debbie ever get back this way. Hope to catch you again soon.
73, Fred

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Thank you very much for the s2s. A great pleasure to make the qso. I really enjoyed the video you made showing us how beautiful the landscape is where you activate.
I hope to copy you again soon Fred.

Best 73!!

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Nice video Fred … you and I obviously have a different definition of warm :smile:


Chris thanks for watching!

Hope to hear you again soon.
73, Fred

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Chris here are yesterday’s summit conditions on Mount Washington. Now that’s cold!
73, Fred