A two day jaunt around some G/SC summits

On 25th & 26th August I embarked on my first two-day SOTA trip around the G/SC region. I thought I would write a few words and upload some pictures here. I can’t pretend that it was as adventurous as some of the expeditions that I’ve read about on here, but it was the biggest undertaking for me so far with SOTA.


Wednesday 25th August 2021
G/SC-008 - Win Green (5 QSOs)
G/SC-010 - Dundry Down (5 QSOs including S2S with HB0/HB9CBR/P)
G/SC-003 - Beacon Batch (5 QSOs)
G/SC-002 - Wills Neck (4 QSOs)

Overnight stay in Taunton

Thursday 26th August 2021
G/SC-001 - Dunkery Beacon (17 QSOs including S2S with IK2LEY/P)
G/SC-006 - Periton Hill (12 QSOs included S2S with EA2CW/P)
G/SC-005 - Selworthy Beacon (9 QSOs including S2S with VA2EO)

Equipment used

Radio: Yaesu-817 ND
HF Antennas: Sotabeams Bandspringer & Super Antenna MP1
VHF Antenna: Radio Geeks Inflatable V2 antenna for 2m & 70cm

Radio-wise the first day was a little hard going. I did manage to qualify all of the summits, but even with using CW on HF it seemed harder than usual, especially on Wills Neck, the last of the day. Perhaps a down side of doing multiple summits in one day is that one feels under more time pressure and the patience threshold is lowered! Especially by the time of the last activation of the day! I also found the driving harder going than I expected as my Sat-Nav took me down some very narrow lanes with little or no passing places on my approaches to Dundry Down & Wills Neck. I was praying that I wouldn’t meet anyone coming the other way. Thankfully I didn’t! Lesson here is to do more research on driving routes before setting off!

The second day was much more enjoyable. Partly helped by all three summits being in the same area, so there was much less driving between them. Radio conditions seemed much more lively and I had plenty of contacts without too much effort. It was nice to have some more contacts on 2M FM and enjoy some pleasant overs with a few locals. It was a case of saving the best until last as I was thrilled to be called on my final summit by VA2EO for a S2S QSO using 17m cw. This was my first S2S with North America and one of those “the magic of radio” moments! Thanks Eric! It made my day!

Thanks to everyone for the contacts and keeping me company on the summits. I was sad to come home to real life again, but hopefully I’ll work many of you again soon!

See below for some pictures.

73 - Matthew M0JSB

G/SC-008 Win Green - Always nice to have a handy bench to use!

Competing with the big boys on G/SC-010 Dundry Down

The walk up to G/SC-003 Beacon Batch. Lots of space for antennas at the top!

On G/SC-002 Wills Neck - Hard going on the radio, but a beautiful evening to be out on a summit.

En route to G/SC-001 Dunkery Beacon. This doesn’t happen in my home QTH of Surrey!

The “view” from a very misty Dunkery Beacon G/SC-001

Operating 2m from G/SC-006 Periton Hill

More stunning scenery. This time on G/SC-005 Selworthy Beacon

Happy Days! Beautiful sunshine, a sea view and a S2S with VA2EO!


Looking at your logs I don’t see any 60m. Your Bandspringer should cover that and you are missing a good opportunity for HF contacts. Lots of UK chasers available on 60m, both SSB and CW.

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Thanks Colin. That’s a good point. My only reason for not trying 60m was that my 817 doesn’t transit on 60m. I think its successor the 818 does though.

Then do the mod and the problem is solved. It takes longer to remove the 817 head and refit it than to do the actual TX mod.

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Seven summits in two days, good work (hard work)!
I am sure, you will remember for long.

73 Ludwig

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The official Yaesu Mod sheet is available from https://www.worldwidedx.com/attachments/ft-817mod-pdf.5067/

It’s very simple.

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We have a large number of single-track roads with lots of blind bends and high hedgerows in G/LD and G/NP. I often find Google Maps decides the shortest route goes via them. Its globalized algorithm must ‘think’ you can drive at or near the speed limit (usually 60mph) where as 15mph is wiser at blind bends. Often it takes longer than had you stuck to the main roads and you feel stressed out before even starting the walk after what feels like a rally drive (but with vehicles coming unexpectedly towards you).

Recently en route to a G/NP activation, GM’s ‘shortcut’ was on some unpaved farm roads off the Pennine Way with big humps that touched the underside of my VW Golf. Only by driving very slowly did I not damage the car.

You might argue one should review the entire route before setting off but it’s not at all obvious which roads are unsuitable for normal cars.

73 Andy

Thanks for that yaesu link. :smiley:

73 de Geoff vk3sq