A SOTA Mountain Goat for Tabea HB9HXJ 🍀

Dear all

It has not gone unnoticed locally but deserves a wider audience, so here it is: our dear colleague Tabea, HB9HXJ, wife of Tom, HB9EVF, has achieved her first SOTA Mountain Goat. Congratulations, Tabea! She is one of our few SOTA YL professionals and has now added this gem to her collection.

I met Tabea for the first time a few years ago at a USKA hamfest. I had been on a nearby SOTA summit during the day, activating with the club’s callsign HB9A, and had now come down to the festival area. Tabea was standing behind the bar and offered me a glass of white wine. I have never forgotten her callsign HB3XXX, nor her friendly laugh. Since then we have met again and again on the radio and rarely onsite at a HB9SOTA club event.

Tabea and Tom do SOTA activations as a team. They have a good operating and pass the microphone back and forth quickly. There is always time for a friendly word. And yet it’s also efficient!

Tabea, keep enjoying the summits and always have a good trip under our SOTA sunshine! And it’s great that you can do this together with your Tom.

Vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ


Hallo Tabea

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur ersten Bergziege… ich bin mir sicher, das wird irgendwann eine ganze Herde!

… und vielen Dank auch für die vielen S2S und so manchen complete… sei es auf euren Reisen in Norddeutschland oder auf dem selten aktiverten I/LO-446

Liebe GrĂĽĂźe - Armin

Congrats Tabea !

Ken & Kay, KE7BGM

Congratulations, Tabea! Welcome to the herd.
73 Jens HB9EKO

Herzliche Gratulation zur 1. Mountain Goat! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Freue mich schon auf das nächste S2S bzw. auf das Wiedersehen auf der HamRadio!

73, Sylvia

Hallo Tabea,
wir gratulieren dir auch zum ersten Berggeislein und freuen uns schon auf die nächsten S2S mit dir.

Congratulations Tabea on achieving Mountain Goat.

Jimmy M0HGY

Gratulation zur 1. Mountain Goat Tabea und danke fĂĽr die vielen S2S.
73, Stefan

Congratulazioni Tabea! Grazie per i tanti S2S con Tom.
73 Fabio

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Really congrats Tabea!

ik6bak, Eliseo.

Congratulations Tabea and welcome to the herd :goat: :champagne::clinking_glasses:

Allan GW4VPX

Herzlichen GlĂĽckwunsch Tabea,
Freue mich auf das nächste S2S
73 IW3AGO Heini

Hallo Tabea,
auch von mir herzliche Glükwünsche und vielen Dank für all die s2s …
73 Arthur

Hi Tabea

Herzliche Gratulation zum ersten 1000er. Freue mich auf die vielen kommenden S2Ss.

73 88 Fritz

Congratulations Tabea @HB9HXJ on achieving your first mountain goat :goat:

73 Marcel DM3FAM

Congratulations also from the north of Germany with its often tiny summits. But your visit here still added a few points.

Tabea, we are happy that our homeland have also contributed to your success.

73 Chris and Uwe, DK8OA

Congratulations Tabea for this fantastic effort and also extra TNX to “Sherpa” Thomas for his support and the many QSOs!

Vy73/88 Fritz HB9CSA / DL4FDM

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Many Congratulations Tabea, for Your First MG. Thank you for the QSO’s. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

Hi Tabea,

Congratulations on your first MG and thanks for all the S2S!

Enjoy, have fun and 73, Stephan

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Many congratulations Tabea on achieving Mountain Goat status. It’s always a pleasure to hear you and Tom on the airwaves. Your success is well deserved.

73, Robert

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