A Snowy GI/AH-003 (Slieveanorra)

Many of the GI chasers will know I try to get out most weekends to activate some local hills and todays choice was the summit if Slieveanorra GI/AH-003 - a nice handy 4 pointer in the Antrim hills with Peter @GI6PHD.

Due to the awful WX this week, I specifically choose this summit today because it has a nice underfoot forest path with a lovely US service men memorial stone at the top after their B17 bomber plane crashed during bad weather and unfriendly terrain in October 1942.

(Stock image)

As Peter and I made our way to the starting point on the Altarichard Road we where soon met by some really bad icy road conditions and further on, Large snow drifts which didn’t allow us to get within 2 miles of the summit! I am normally under time pressure at the weekend due to family commitments so at this stage We had 2 choices, Turn and head back for home or chance the snow covered road and make tracks to the start point….we went for the second choice :sunglasses:

(you can see the large snowdrifts onto the road, making it impassable)

After the almost 2mile walk to the start point and rein-acting “Dancing on ice” we started our Ascent to the summit. About 25 minutes later we started to see the summit in sight through the mist and at this stage snow up to our knees!

We had planned to do HF on todays activation as we had a sked with Robert GM0NCA but due to the time constraints and WX we decided to just do a quick 2m VHF 4 and go, sorry Robert! As soon as we Finished working the local chasers, Peter called a number of times and when the band went quiet we packed our bags and headed for the descent taking us about an hour back to the car….unlike the previous guy that was up before us with his ski’s!! I must remember this for the next snow activation :skier:

(The reality and depth of the snout the summit)

Thank you for reading, hope to catch you all on a summit soon.

Jason MI3UIW & Peter GI6PHD


Great report and images buddy - you still have the white stuff?? Keep it over there, hahaa. Sorry I missed you, we were up in GW/NW land. Looks like there is some history on that summit - I must come over again to check out some more Antrim Hills :grinning: look forward to your next outing!

73, Ben