A Request to Activators

Geoff, what a brilliant idea. Well Done, that may be the best answer. thank You. Paul.

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Hi Paul,

I hope you’re keeping well!

These kind of threads and comments are really useful for us activators - we appreciate your feedback!

Knowing your current band limits due to your transceiver, I will try my best to spot on frequencies below 7.1MHz. As Fraser stated above, this can be hard at times, but I will certainly try, it’s great to get you in my log :grinning:

Have a nice weekend and 73!


Hello Ben. Many thanks for reading the request and responding. It has generated much more interest than I thought it would. Thanks Ben for your input and comments. I look forward to our next QSO. best wishes to you and family, Ben. 73 de Paul.

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Beware just opening up the rig. I read your concern from removing the manufacturers frequency constraints. I have an 857 that is opened up. It will tx from dc to daylight. This was to include 60m. I only start each band from memory frequencies. As chasers will know I op on 10.1185, 7.0325, 5.3545, 14.0625 in that order.
Yes I am a BOF!

I hope you don’t!


That ‘oh so important’ ‘0’!

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Hi Paul,

good hint. When will operate from summits again I will check for a clear QRG below 7.100. Until now I worked often above.

73, Ludwig

Colin you are so right, which reinforces my point about opening a rig up.

For the US the SSB portion of 40m is 7.125-7.300 MHz for extra and advanced class license holders and 7.175-7.300 MHz for general class. So to get below 7.100 needs CW. The hams in my house are (very slowly) working on learning CW but we’re not through the alphabet yet.

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It’s useful for Operators to know the bands available outside of their country to chasers. I had a comment left on my spot for the POTA app, during a SOTA/POTA activation. From memory I was on 7.115 SSB, the chaser from the US left a comment I was in the CW portion of the band. Not sure if he was aware of the UK band plan, or wanted to work me on 40m, and was hi ting for me to move up the band. Either way it got me into thinking of other countries band plans when working DX bands.


Thanks for the QSOs today Paul from NW both on 40m SSB as well as 2m FM.
I normally start below 7.100 and then go up the band in case there’s is no space. I managed to find some space earlier today and we managed a QSO.
Looking forward to the next one!

73, Robert

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Hi Dan,
Yes, I know about, what from other countries can seem complex and confusing allocations of parts of bands based on licence class in the US (I wonder if anyone else does it - certainly In the countries where I have a licence, allowed power level and complete band access (or no access) is what normally defines the privileges based on licence class).
Your point, however, is very important for Paul @M0CQE who started this thread - while his radio only covers from 7-7.1 MHz he will be unable to work stations in the US on SSB - except if someone is prepared to work split.
Effectively for 40m SOTA contacts on SSB between Europe and the US - we need to get into the small band from 7.175-7.200 MHz so that General and Extra Class stations can call us and so that we are still in-band at our end.

73 Ed DD5LP

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If you dont want to modify your radio, you could consider emigrating. For VK and ZL you’re set perfectly with our centre of activity for SOTA on 7.090.


It’s impossible. His power plugs won’t fit.


Wow, summits on New Zealand have mains sockets.


He’s a chaser Richard. :wink:


So he is!

He is welcome to my adaptor - IF I can find it.

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I believe that the band coverages are controlled by a diode matrix. Information about this and various little improvements can be found on www.mods.dk, including ways to get the rig onto 5 MHz.

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May I repeat my request to activators. As the winter season is about to start and I expect many Activators to be out and about. If operating SSB on the 40Mtr. Band. Please consider spending a short time working Below 7.100Mhz. As many Chasers like myself with older radios cannot Tx. above 7.100Mhz. This was the Top of 40 Mtr. Band in UK some years ago. Thank You 73 de Paul. M0CQE.