A request for those activating in the Southern California area

I have a request for those activating summits in the southern California area, especially in and around Los Angles and Orange county. Please give 2 meter CW a shot. I have my old ICOM 746 PRO sitting on 144.090 and it has been a long time since I have seen any spots for 2 meter CW. Thanks in advance de W6LEN / Jess


Hey Jess - I just came into a TS-857D, and plan to try 2m CW with 50W and a 3el Yagi pointed at LA. Still need to figure out a few bits of the kit but… stay tuned! Would love to get 2m CW to be a thing around here!


Hey Mark,
That’s a great idea. let me know where and when and I will be listening for you. I typically monitor 144.200 for CW and run 100 watts with an ICOM IC-746 PRO to a Ringo Ranger. We shouldn’t have any problems making a QSO. I am in Huntington Beach, Orange County. I will be looking forward to it. 73 / 44 W6LEN / Jess

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Hi Jess,

I use 2m SSB to good effect over here in the UK with either a FT-817 or KX3 (with the internal transverter) to drive a small 25W linear feeding a 5 element yagi. This combination has served me well for many years and I’ve had some super contacts from the summits. I normally use a specific frequency where chasers know where to find me - 144.333MHz. Chasers know that they can call me in CW if signals are weak and I will reply on the mode.

I applaud your effort in trying to foster interest in 2m CW. I hope that you are successful.

73, Gerald