A mountain, a meal and a 2 pointer for pudding

Activation report ‘A mountain, a meal and a 2 pointer for desert’

Summits activated:

Elidir Fawr GW/NW-005
Mynydd Nodol GW/NW-048


Tim @G5OLD

After a good time had on the Rhinogs last weekend, Tim and I talked ourselves into another adventure the week later. We agreed to do the Glyderau route together, this was once permission had been granted by both station masters, the XYL’s :slight_smile:

The planned route took the following SOTA summits into consideration:

Elidir Fawr GW/NW-005
Y Garn GW/NW-004
Glyder Fawr GW/NW-003
Tryfan GW/NW-006

I have done this route a few times, and told Tim he was in for a treat! Both station masters were good with the idea, so messages were exchanged throughout the week, and a date and time was finalised.

It was an early start on Saturday morning, Tim drove up in his campervan and stayed in the local village. I picked him up just after 4am, and we began our drive up North to meet my good friend Aled @MW0UPH, who drove us around to the start. A selfie was taken and off Tim, Shadow (the spaniel) and I went up the tarmac track to start our adventure:

The mornings have drawn out pretty fast lately, so it was light when we started our first ascent. The only one problem we had, was the very strong gusts of winds that hit us every so often. Unfortunately, they were getting worse the higher we climbed.
The pace was going well, Shadow led most of the way :slight_smile: it didn’t take long until we reached the pumping station where the tarmac track stopped. It was time to get the walking poles out and begin our hike on loose scree.

As we gradually climbed, the wind speed increased dramatically, to the point it blew my new bobble hat in the air a good 100 yards, as well as my kneeling mat. We watched both items blow into the thick mist and disappear - gutted!! There was no way I would be getting those back, they probably ended up in the sea in no time, it was blowing a right gale!

We had multiple moments when we had to crouch on the floor to shelter from the high winds. The question was asked, shall we bail and go back… but we were so close… so we decided to at least get to the Cairn. We entered the boulder field which had a thick layer of frost scattered over the stones, it looked very pretty, but very dangerous at the same time. We took our time, and shortly after saw the Cairn in the distance, which looked like an igloo being wrapped in thick white rime - pretty cool!

It was so nice to jump into the Cairn. Although we now had shelter, you could hear the wind whistling through the stones. It must of been around 75 / 80mph gusts on top!

We soon got to work, Tim worked 145-FM after repairing his snapped pole on site, and I wrapped my 40/20 EFHW wire around the Cairn and called out on 7-SSB. It worked a treat, I was receiving RR of 5/9 plus :slight_smile:

Tim unfortunately only managed 2 contacts on 145-FM, so he joined me and worked on 40m. We both qualified which was the aim of the game.
A decision now had to be made - do we continue (which was walking against wind gusts of over 70mph), or do we call it quits, the mountains will be there for another day. We both agreed to call it a day on the high mountains. I rang Aled who kindly came back for us - thanks buddy! A quick summit selfie was taken, and off we went into the madness,

You can tell we’d had a beating by the wind, looking at our faces above.

We arrived back at the start where Aled was waiting to take us back to my truck - happy days. What we needed now was a nice hot stew to warm us back up - so that’s what we went looking for in Betw-y-Coed :slight_smile:

It tasted damn good for sure!!

Before we left for home, we decided to call on a small 2 pointer summit called Mynydd Nodol. Its a short steep hike and shaded by the higher mountains. Also we could walk our pudding off as well, hahaa.

Again we were walking into misty fog, but with out the wind - that was a much better feeling.

The top was reached, Tim set up for 14-SSB and I worked 7-SSB and CW. We both managed to qualify and end the day on a high.

I’d like to thank everyone who called into us on this day - apologies that we didn’t manage to complete our long adventure, but the mountains will be there to do again soon! Thanks to all the S2S that we worked too :slight_smile:

Until next time, 73!

Ben & Tim


Thanks for the report both - another good read. I have become slightly more aware of strong winds after becoming airborne near the summit of Cat Bells in the lakes some years ago. Thankfully I was blown along rather than off the slope and ended up crawling off the summit. The wind didn’t seem that strong but I’m guessing it was a very strong gust, but it is another mountain hazard to be aware of…


This was a double fail…

1st 2m Fail:
I put the mast up at about 75% height with the Spectrum Slim G antenna attached and wedged it leaning against the rocks/shelter. I was just about to start calling CQ when the Antenna took off and ripped my radio out my hands … both the Yeasu handheld and antenna package ending up 30 metres down the hill… i was stunned. At this point I wish I had brought the Quangsheng, it would have been a good test for it and maybe its actually good at landing on summits :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2nd 2m Fail:
Next Attempt I added some velcro to the antenna, only for the mast to snap on the lower section when the next gust caught the antenna. Still no QSO’s

And finally some contracts:
Licking my wounds, i made contacts with GW0PLP and MW7RTB with the whip

Thankfully the team at Sotabeams can replace the broken sections (Thanks @MM0EFI for advising about this in the past) and the Yeasu survived undamaged despite a trip down the hill into the rocks.

But overall an eventful and enjoyable day, which will need to be completed another day…


VERY WELL DONE, BEN and TIM. A very descriptive and well photographed Activation Report. Many thanks for the QSO’s on this Epic Adventure. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

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I would say that a Spiderbeams 7m pole would have survived. :blush:


Great report Ben,
You were reversing the route I took, commencing on the tarmac road by bike (that was a seriously fast decent at the end of the day). Not having the best of balance these days and not liking to be blown over, I make 25MPH my limiting wind speed. Have to say, even without the frost covering, I thought the summit of Elidir Fawr had been crafted by the devil. Those boulders are serious ankle smashers.
As you say, the mountains will be there for another day. Having lost 3, or maybe 4 sit mats to the wind, I now have the mat attached to my sack with about 1m of cord. Problem solved.



That is singularly the best idea I’ve read in a while David.

Of course @GW4BML Ben will also need one for his hat.


Well done both, tough conditions Saturday morning. Was great to get the s2s with you Tim.


Hi Ben and Tim.

Great report and photos as usual. As chasers we were all pleased to hear over the airways and other media that you were heading down hill after your activation. Tough conditions and that cairn is rather drafty at the best of times with an entrance at both ends! Thanks for both summits.

73 Allan


@G0EVV David, I echo Fraser, that is one good piece of information! I bought a pack of two, little Lyra uses the other as her tea party table cloth :rofl: I will be borrowing it back for this Friday and attaching a metre of thin rope to it - thank you! :+1:

@MM0EFI Fraser, as for the bobble hat, if I walked around with a piece of rope tied to it, I’d get some looks :rofl: but I wouldn’t lose my hat! I need one of these:


Thanks Paul - I’ve only ever been blown over once, and that was walking the ridge on top of Arenig Fawr. Thankfully the wind was blowing in the right direction!

I completely forgot to mention this in the report Tim :see_no_evil: someone really didn’t want you to qualify on 2m that morning! Hahaa, great times though!

Thanks Paul, was good to work you on 40m :+1: always look forward to hearing your call sign!

Cheers buddy, it was an eventful morning, but finished on a high :grinning: sorry we missed you on your last summit - hope to catch up on Friday. Maybe we could do Waun Rydd as a triple?

Thanks Allan - was good to work you! Lucky for us, the wind was blowing East to West, so the two Cairn entrances had no impact, we had a sturdy shelter for the activation, until we lifted our heads above the stones. I had no hat left to blow off, so all good :grinning:

Thank you very much all for the kind words :+1:

73, Ben


Ahhhh, that explains the sudden disappearance of all your alerts! I was waiting you coming up on 2M FM! still, seems like a good decision… stay safe chaps!



Hi Ben and Tim, thanks for an interesting report with great photos. Well done to you both; a great effort.

Cheers: :beers:

Geoff vk3sq


Yes, the wx was pretty damn rough - will be there again this year :+1:

Thanks Geoff, it was an enjoyable day :grinning:

73, Ben


and we (myself and Paul @M0CQE ) will likely be waiting for you!

Thanks Ben
