..a little SOTA-Tour

Hello SOTA-friends!

Like last year Max, OE3MHU and I will be on a sailing-regatta in 9A next week.
We will start our trip to 9A tomorrow morning and will try to activate some summits in OE/ST and S5/GS, depending the wx of the next 2 days.

Possible summits are OE/ST-311, OE/ST-382, S5/GS-023, S5/GS-024, S5/GS-015 and S5/GS-002.

OE3MHU will be QRV in SSB on 40 and 20, and I will be QRV in cw on 30 and 20.
both QRP (FT-857 and HB-1B) with linked dipoles.

I will spot with APRS2SOTA and you can follow us on aprs OE3CHC-7.

Hope to hear many of you
Best 73 de Chris, OE3CHC