Hello SOTA mates,
Last July 3rd I did a joint activation with Jorge, EA2LU, and went to activate Mt. Baratxueta, EA2/NV-068.
The weather is very hot nowadays and I thought it was a good oportunity to test a homebrew tarp I built. It is made of a nylon fabric I bought in a kite shop.
The material is very very light, watertight and wear resistant. It is hold with one walking stick.
We arrived in the summit and started setting up our stations.
Jorge had brought his umbrella to protect from the sun.
I moved a bit apart to have less RF interference and deployed the antenna and fixed my tarp to test it.
I felt the tarp worked just fine to provide certain level of sun protection, but I touched the transceiver after a while and it was very hot, although I kept it under the tarp all the time. I think this fabric is good against the wind but it is not good enough to protect against UV rays.
I have to think on how to improve it; any ideas to make it better?
Maybe I need to add an extra piece of protection just for the rig.
Additional trouble:
During the activation I suffered a bit from another problem: some cows aproached near my operating position. I was a bit afraid as I was trying to get two stations Summit to summit by the time, but it all went fine in the end…
Don’t look at me, please!!
Oh my God, it’s not Sanfermines yet…
Hope you find interesting the tarp for summer time. I know there are commercial avalilable tarps but they are much bigger or heavier.
73 de Ignacio