A great Success! W1/HA-142

Thank you so much chasers for a great activation on Mount Success. I logged 20 QSO’s with 3 S2S and 2 DX. I also had a chance to meet 6 Appilachian Trail through hikers. 5 were NOBO (headed north) and 1 SOBO (headed south).

It always amazes me that AT hikers find radio on the summit fascinating. I’m also puzzled why more haven’t seen SOTA activation’s prior to running into me in NH.

In addition to activating the summit I was able to find the remains of a DC3 (Northeast Airlines Flight 792) that crashed on November 30, 1954. This is a well documented crash site that can be found down a short spur trail off of the AT on the South Peak of Mount Success.

73, Fred WX1S



Nice video Fred, I watched it yesterday evening.
73, Eric

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Hi Eric,

Mount Success is a great short hike that is very close to Dolly Copp campground. Mount Hayes is another great AT hike close by.

As always thanks for watching. Hope to see you again soon.

73, Fred WX1S

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Nice video, Fred! And thanks for the QSO. Condx were pretty poor that
day, but you made it to the west coast.
(It’s worse today!)


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Hi John,

Always nice to get your in the log. I think you are my most consistent west coast friend.

Thanks for checking in.

73, Fred WX1S

Thanks Fred for your activation video; well done.

Cheers :beers:

Geoff vk3sq

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Hi Geoff,
Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to watch. It’s always nice to hear from you.
fred WX1S

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Nice video Fred and great find on the crash site. Had to respond to say hi as I’m originally a Mass-hole myself, went to college right around the corner from you, and we happen to both be NE Portuguese brethren. Miss that accent :wink:

Take care & 73, Mike.

Hi Mike,

Yes you got me. I left Southeastern Mass in 1975 when I joined the Air Force. My wife and I have called NH home since 78. So glad I made the move.

Obrigado es 73,

Fred WX1S