First of all a big thank you for the new reflector. In my eyes it’s really a big success. Especially the ability to embed pictures is a huge benefit and it even causes someone like me, who is really lazy when it comes to writing, to post some reports about my recent activations.
While creating my recent activation reports a couple of questions came up. Maybe somebody could give a short answer to this topics:
If you take a look e.g on my latest report Following the footsteps of an English Activator than you will recognize that all landscape pictures are fixed in the text and all portrait format photos can be clicked on and when doing so the picture will be displayed on a gray background. I guess this distinct kind of embedding is caused by the different sizes of the images. What is the max. width and/or height for images, so that they will stay fixed in the text?
Another surprising behavior is that if I embed a link to an image from another website, the image will be automatically downloaded/copied from the referenced website to the SOTA reflector. Other (non-image) links don’t behave like this, e.g. links to videos. Is this an intended behavior or are there any tricks to avoid this copying of referenced images?
My last question is more like a feature request. The reflector has already the feature to notify the logged on users about some events (Take a look at the speech bubble at the right top of the page). Is there any possibility that I would be notified if a new topic has been created by a particular member of the reflector? For example if I’ve a preferred list of members, who I expect interesting activation reports.
73 Stephan, DM1LE