While typing this, @DM3FAM, is on the way to his 2nd Mountain Goat summit. Make sure you tune in and say hello on this special activation!
Congrats Marcel
It took you less than two years to reach 2 x MG, which is a great achievement, because there are other obligations, such as job, family and the kids - the latter with much higher priority!
Marcel can sometimes be heard from a summit during the week, on the way to a customer or even between two customer meetings. I believe it’s a good way to combine all of his commitments and relax at the same time.
About a year ago we kicked off SOTA-BW which is a lot of fun. We had countless QSOs - often S2S - and I’m already looking forward to the next one, as well as the opportunity to having the mandatory summit beer in the near future
Marcel, I wish you a lot of fun with SOTA, that you always manage to keep the balance between your commitments and that SOTA can contribute the necessary relaxation.
Hallo Marcel,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zur zweiten Geis. Bei der Gelegenheit vielen Dank für viele nette QSO’s und hoffe auch in Zukunft auf viele weitere Verbindungen.
Beste 73’
Many Congratulations Marcel on the Double Goat. An excellent achievement in such a short time. It is always a pleasure to work, so I am sorry to have missed you on your 2MG activation.
Dear Roman @DL3TU. Thanks for the contribution here in the Reflector Yes, SOTA besides family and job is an exciting thing. But it can all be combined somehow - sometimes more and sometimes less. Also today the family was with me again.
For the second mountain goat the Hummelskopf DM/BW-845 was chosen, which was already my summit to reach the first mountain goat. Roman, I look forward to many QSOs with you - and thanks for the s2s QSO today! Cheers
Armin @DL6GCA. Thanks for the many QSOs and see you soon again. You are currently very active, so our next QSO will probably not be long in coming. And of course also for a summit beer
Also thanks to you Paul @DL6FBK for the congratulations and the many QSOs with each other. We hear us in any case soon again
Thanks also to you Stephan @HB9EAJ. You are often here in my SOTA home area. Maybe we will meet in person one day. Would be pleased me very much. Otherwise, I’m sure we’ll hear each other again soon in a QSO.
Manchmal geht es doch rascher als man denkt! Offenbar bekommst du nun Familie und Hobby immer besser unter einen Hut. Congrats zu deinem Erfolg, und vielen Dank auch für deine Efforts zusammen mit Roman, um die DM/BW Region zu beleben und etwas für den lokalen Zusammenhalt zu tun. Da habt ihr viele Freunde in Nah und Fern!
Hello Marcel,
congratulations on the 2nd Mountain Goat. Continue to have fun activating summits and thank you for the QSOs we’ve had so far. I am looking forward to our next meetings and your participation in the A18 activity this year.
Hello Ludwig @DH8WN. Thank you very much! Looking forward to our next QSO. See you again soon Markus @HB9DIZ, thanks to you too. It’s nice how you can combine family and hobby. Thanks also to you that you also contribute to the cohesion. Nice that you are here We will hear us again soon. Clemens @DD2TC, always great to hear you from the neighbourhood! The A18 SOTA activity is firmly planned and hope for many participants At this point, for all readers - save the date 16.07.2022 - A18 SOTA activity day. Many mountains in the southern Black Forest will be QRV this Saturday
Hi Marcel,
Indeed, it would be great to see each other in person, the last time I missed you on Herzogenhorn.
The Black Forrest is also kind of my home area, since it’s closer to where I live than the Swiss summits.
Lieber Marcel,
auch von mir die herzlichsten Glückwünsche! Ich finde es toll, wie du das Hobby and deine Familie zusammenbringst. Amateurfunk sollte immer etwas Verbindendes haben, und das gelingt dir offensichlich gut!
Dear Marcel, My heartiest congratulations too! I think it’s great how you bring the hobby and your family together. Amateur radio should always have something to unite, and you obviously do a good job of that!
Good evening Stephan @HB9EAJ. Then I would say, this year we still meet - gladly also in the winter - then we get ourselves still a few bonus points
Thanks Ray @GM7NZI and thanks for the many QSOs! We’ll hear us again soon
Thanks also to you Chris @DL1CR. Yes, amateur radio and connections belong together - no matter which way. Thanks also to you for the many QSOs. At this point also thanks for your hint to POTA, which I find a very interesting program. Through you I got to know the program. All the best and I look forward to our next QSO!