60m contact with GB

One day, perhaps not too far in the distant future, it might be the ultimate chaser award, putting Shack Sloth in the shade - perhaps we could call it something like the “Chaser Hundred!” Unless we get a sunspot maximum to rival cycle 19 I would guess that FT8 or its descendants will play a major role in achieving it.

Hi all,

Could I just add my thoughts with a CW bias.

We all know that there is not a lot of spectrum that is common to UK and the WARC 15 allocations. When I started operating SOTA on 60m CW I was targeting UK stations on the UK allocation of 5,260 +MHz . As well as UK stations, I attracted out of band operators from Europe. I decided to change to 5.3545MHz, which is within a common 4 kHz wide segment. If this QRG is in use (never so far happened), I can go up as much as 3kHz and stay in band. That is a heck of a lot of CW spectrum. This has proved to be popular and I have logged SM, OE, HB9, G, GM, DL, PA, EA, ON, I, SA, OK, SP, GW within the past 2 years. 5 Megs is one of my refuge bands in times of contest.

PS The skimmers are now functional on this band making the need to self spot less important. I have even been skimmed from the states!

Stay Safe


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According to my log, you have also logged GI several times.

73 Victor GI4ONL

You may well be correct Victor, I just made a quick trawl for the past 2 years.
Nice to hear from you.

Stay safe