6 Meter Summit to Summit Event June 15, 2024

W7A (Arizona) will be hosting a 6 Meter Summit to Summit event on June 15, 2024 starting at 1400 UTC.

Recognizing how unpredictable 6 Meters can be, we are rolling the dice and hoping for the best. If the bands open on June 15th, getting 6 Meter S2S contacts should be a blast. If the band isn’t open, we should have enough local stations on surrounding summits to still get groundwave contacts. And of course there will be plenty of opportunity to get a bunch of S2S on the other bands.

We would love to see other stations from across the country/world join us on this day. Bring along 6 Meter capabilities on your activation and who knows, it may be an epic 6 Meter S2S day. Or it may just be a fantastic day of S2S on the other bands.

Charlie NJ7V


In case there is a really good opening, then will any participating stations have FT8 capability?

If I don’t get called for work, I would hope to take part. I would be QRV on 6m and 10m, FT4/FT8, CW, SSB & FM.

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I’ll bring FT8/4.

I’m a newbie at those modes. I’ve got some practicing to do!


As of now, we have 9 activators who have alerts up for the 6 meter Summit to Summit event in W7A land. If you are planning on activating on June 15th from 1400 UTC to 1900 UTC, consider bring along a 6 meter capable radio. We would love to get 6 Meter summit to summit contacts with stations outside of Arizona.
Charlie NJ7V


I just made my first FT8 QSO from my back yard using SOTA kit (IC-705, FT8CN, Android phone). That was a lot easier than I expected!

I still have much practicing to do. I barely know what I’m doing. But this was a major hurdle!


I’ll be on W7U/UT-031 tomorrow. My alert is for 1700. I’ll do earlier if I can.

I’m bringing 6M and FT8/4.

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Last week I was able to work a few FT8 QSOs from the summit on 10M. But I had some technical problems that prevented an attempt on 6M. Trying again tomorrow afternoon. This time W7U/UT-043. One last dry run before the big 6M S2S weekend.

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Are we ready! Getting excited for this event. I’ll be on an 8 pointer with 100 watts hoping for some eSkip! on 6 meters. Regardless, I’ll also work 20m and 40m. Looking for s2s on all bands. Catch you on 6 meters this Saturday.


I’m hoping to work everyone from W0C-land using a newly built 6m Moxon antenna. For me, there will be a lot of “firsts.” It should be fun!


I’m aiming a [too] large V beam at AZ. (Hoping for some spare lobes for EU.) For W0C land we might have to do 40 or 30 meters.

I also think I have FT8 figured out. Look for me there.

Hopefully I’ll have W7U on the map.


I’ll make an attempt to get on 6m this day from a local 8 pointer here in NM, but it will be closer to 1800Z than 1400…


I will :smile: if there’s a gap in the rain that’s forecast.
If the wind dies down I might be able to get the moxon up and point it towards NA.


Question please. I have never had a 6m qso. For CW do you deploy a 6m dipole vertically or horizontally? I assume you cannot do CW on FM, but I don’t know that for sure either. Thanks!
Scott NZ4R


I’ve been advised that it is customarily horizontal.


Thanks Ken!


I’ll be on VE7/GV-009 up here near Vancouver. I’ve been trying to borrow a 6 meter beam but no luck. I’ll have a vertical dipole up a 30 foot push-up mast. cw and ssb


Hopefully this will stay up in the breeze


Which one? :innocent:


Unfortunately we didn’t have a 6m opening that I am aware of. I did get nine 6m contacts on groundwave (5 of which were S2S). I had 22 S2S all together and DX to England (G0AZS) and Japan (JG0AWE) on 20m. 108 total QSOs. So not an entire bust. 6 meters is a tough nut to crack!
Charlie NJ7V


Thanks for trying, Charlie. Chased a couple from home QTH here, but no magic band.
Best, Ken