My weekend doesn’t belong to Sota, it belongs to my wife and my camera.
Today I photographed the little creepy-crawlies that clamber on summits. This is what came out…
73 Chris
Nice shots!
A least some of the critters know it’s a SOTA peak; they have antennae!
Aeronautical mobile!
Great photos just goes to show if you Alert and Spot on SW3 the chasers will come.
Ian vk5cz…
CW - Cricket (Cicadae Codice Morse)
Red list of endangered species - Strictly protected
73 Armin
I see the Ladybird (Marienkäfer) has been spotted more than once!
I’ll get my coat on the way out…
Hi Chris,
fine pictures, really.
This reminds me seeing my first dragonfly this year in the garden last Saturday.
It was a brown golden one, different from green blue dragonflies the last years.
I did my first activation yesterday and noticed that the insect population in Indiana USA is just as much decreased in forests as it is in cities. One spider, a few no-see-ums, and fortunately many butterflies, but no mosquitoes, no flies, and no ticks. Big surprise. Must be all that aluminum, strontium, and barium being sprayed into the stratosphere. Nice pictures, Chris
You won’t see any ticks in this category since they have 8 legs.
73, DIZ