5 + 1 = 6 x MG > F6HBI Gérald

Hi all,

As Bruno @F6HHK said so well here Special Aniversary for F6HBI on Sunday July 24, today Gérald @F6HBI, after 13 years and 2 months of climbing, reached the score of 6000 points, making him a 6 X MG with the 8 pts of the F/AM-333 :clap: :+1:

The F/AM-333 was his first SOTA summit with Bob @F5HTR the 02/05/2009. He was already a confirmed climber !

Here you can see the video

Congratulations once again Gérald for this performance and many thanks Bob for give him the SOTA virus !

73 Éric

Edit: @DL1FU Fried gave the 8 points to Gérald now MG X 6 :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat:


:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Confratulations Gerald!!!

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Many Congratulations Gérald. Well done on achieving 6MG. It is always a pleasure to work you. :grinning:

73, Gerald G4OIG

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many congratulations , happy to work you today making 6x mg remarkable effort
very very well done gerald , ray

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Congrats Gerald, on reaching your 6th mountain goat :tada::balloon::partying_face::champagne:
What an incredible achievement!
It was a pleasure to meet you in Friedrichshafen and I hope you further enjoy your beautiful mountains!

73, Roman

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What a result Gerald! Awesome! Glad to have a S2S with you today!
73 Fabio

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CONGRATULATIONS Gerald and thanks a lot for so many S2S QSOs :wink:

73, Jarek

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Bonjour Gérald,

Félicitations, c’est toujours un plaisir de te contacter; tu es un élément moteur pour les jeunes OM F4 qui démarrent dans le SOTA.

73’ Alain


Good evening Gerald @F6HBI. Congratulations on this special milestone :goat: :mountain: :tada: :beers:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Félicitations de ma part aussi, Gérald.

Je vous souhaite, à vous et à nous, de continuer à être actif dans la famille Sota avec tant de joie audible.

73 Chris

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Toutes mes félicitations Gérald pour ce résultat remarquable et pour tes engagements et ta sagesse. Tu es le “moteur” du Sota en France !
Bravo et merci.
73 Christian F4WBN


Tres bien fait Gerald!!
C’est toujours un plaisir vous ecouter.

I’m very happy that I heard you today in your special anniversary activation, i’m on holidays and my antenna was not resonant on 30m, but as usual, your good ears got my tiny signal.

Congratulations and looking forward many more qso.
73 cher ami

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Felicitation chere Gerald de dk8oa

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Hi all,

Gérald you are an Amazing guy ! 6k :face_exhaling:

So nice to have such inspiring pepole in our hobby.

Contrats & well done !


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Hello all,
i am not so good with words.
You, all guys made my day.
I just had a look at my very first log (uploaded 13 years ago) and i must say a special thanks to Bernd @DL2DXA who was one of my first QSO and who was still chassing me yesterday.
All those call in my 1090 activations are familliar to me; some of them are now SK, G4SSH Roy, PA0WLB William, EA2IF Guru and some others, i cannot forget them.
I hope we will have many more QSO and may we have peace and health to carry on, this wonderfull hobby.
Gerald F6HBI


This is worth from time to time to see where a good story has started. Your SOTA itinerary is a solid success story. Enjoy your next small and big adventures Gerald! Cu here and there on further S2S to share them.

B.t.w. looking up Bernd DL2DXA had brought me to “Sächsischer Bergkurier” and “Sächsischer Bergwettbewerb”. This is an illustrated magazine that is a pleasure to read. A good starting point for the summits in Saxony on their own programme on VHF/UHF. Each starting point creates a new one!

Vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ

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