433 Alive - Saturday Noon till 3pm

This coming Saturday the 22nd of February is another instalment of 433 Alive between the hours of 12 noon till 3pm.

Similar to the 144Alive activity it is to promote the use of 70cm band. Unlike 144Alive it is not based around nets and net controllers and more like regular operations calling CQ on 433.500 and then qsy to clear frequency.

I have posted an alert for G/SP-017 Billinge Hill for the above times and myself and Peter (M1BZJ) will be taking 35w of FM and a 19 element beam (so long as the weather remains as forecast). We probably have the facility to use SSB too but vertically polarised (to save on faff).

Feel free to call in. If the weather isn’t suitable we will be relocating to a nearby high point (but not sota) but please feel free to call in as it can get lonely on 70cm sometimes :slight_smile:

I do notice another alert for a summit has been posted for the 433alive activity so maybe a chance of a S-T-S.

If any other uk activators are out and about, give 70cm a go as there should be a bit of activity about on the band.



Turned out nice again.

Probably the best weather of the year so far led to us taking the 19 element beam and 35w FM up the stunning ( :thinking:) summit of G/SP-017 Billinge Hill. It was the 433 Alive activity day between noon and 3pm.

Not masses of activity, but enough to keep the log ticking over with time for rag chew style qsos. 10 in the log on 70cm FM with no real dx , but all pleasant and relaxed qsos. Others taking part in the event reported similar activity in their chosen areas. I didnt spot the activation on 70cm as I rarely use the spot facility. No S-T-S on 70cm although I missed 2 . One finished before I started and one started after I finished.

Peter (M1BZJ) had set up on 10m with 100W from an FT-857 into a flowerpot antenna. After the 70cm band was finished I popped on 10m for a quick run. 2 S-T-S with EA/HB9DOJ on EA8/TF-005 Montana Del Cedro and M3LWO on G/NP-017 Fountains fell.

I did spot for a quick 10 minutes run on 10m before having to head home. 11 stations in just over 10 minutes in a little mini pile up ranging from Liverpool <10miles away to Arizona.

Apologies to EC8ADS , my brain would not get the ‘S’ at the end and wanted to insert the ‘F’. We got there in the end :slight_smile:

Many thanks to all worked

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Very sorry I missed this, only just read about it now as I returned from London last night. Weather permitting (ha ha wind and rain round here in the Welsh Borders) I would have been keen to join in from a local summit. I’ll try harder (with a bit more notice) the next time…

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Myself and Alan MM0VPM managed a few Qso’s on 70cm yesterday fro Meikle Says law GM/SS-148 including an s2s to East Lomond GM/SS-198.

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There are about 4 a year of these 433 alive events. I find them a lot more relaxed than the similar 144 alive ones so I try to support them when I can. There is a 433 Alive facebook page which does announce the dates in advance, but with the weather determining the amount of gear and location for us, I only posted late that it was a sota trip.

Once the next date is announce, I’ll make a post on here.


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