433 Alive - Saturday Noon till 3pm

This coming Saturday the 22nd of February is another instalment of 433 Alive between the hours of 12 noon till 3pm.

Similar to the 144Alive activity it is to promote the use of 70cm band. Unlike 144Alive it is not based around nets and net controllers and more like regular operations calling CQ on 433.500 and then qsy to clear frequency.

I have posted an alert for G/SP-017 Billinge Hill for the above times and myself and Peter (M1BZJ) will be taking 35w of FM and a 19 element beam (so long as the weather remains as forecast). We probably have the facility to use SSB too but vertically polarised (to save on faff).

Feel free to call in. If the weather isn’t suitable we will be relocating to a nearby high point (but not sota) but please feel free to call in as it can get lonely on 70cm sometimes :slight_smile:

I do notice another alert for a summit has been posted for the 433alive activity so maybe a chance of a S-T-S.

If any other uk activators are out and about, give 70cm a go as there should be a bit of activity about on the band.
