40M moan

“I was on 7078 this morning and there was a very loud lsb phone qso right on 7078.
I turned to lsb and it was a couple of sota
Stations complaining about silly people transmitting data on top of them.
I missed the callsigns but I was going to inform them that they were sitting on the international
JS8Call frequency.
I’m sure if they had known they would have understood and moved.
I think there needs be more publicity regarding data modes in general or just that people should really check the frequency (and band plans) before transmitting.
Stations transmit automatically so there is no intention to interfere.”

Seen on a JS8CALL FB group, don’t shoot the messanger

Maybe they did. Data isn’t mentioned in the band plan for that frequency.

PS I know you didn’t write the comment Paul, you were just bringing it to our attention

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I know the UK have their own voluntary bandplan however it should be fairly close to the
IARU Region 1 bandplan which states - 7040-7060 - Digimodes. 7060-7100 All modes (up to 2700 Hz wide i.e. no AM/FM), however “preferred” for SSB contesting (IARU text, not mine). 7070 spot frequency for digital VOICE (e.g. FreeDV) but not Digital data, 7090 is SSB QRP centre of activity.

Those operating JS8 on 7078 are not breaking any rules however they do not own any frequency in that ALL MODES section. So if the SSB station was there first - these stations were the ones causing QRM with their data modes.

Perhaps the IARU region 2 (US - where the author of JS8 is) bandplan is different for 40m and he hasn’t taken the differences into account in the default frequencies in his program?

73 Ed.