40 Meter Band 7.290 - 7.300 USA (ONLY)

SOTA Activators Please Remember on 40M 7.290 is the AM Calling Freq.
7.290 up to 7.300 is ands has always been a Gentlesman aggrement for AM use on 40M Just to save QRM problems
40 Meters (7.0 - 7.3)
7.080 - 7.100 RTTY
7.171 SSTV
7.290 AM calling frequency to 7.300 AM Stations Use

The keyword here is Gentlesman Aggrement its Not any Rules or anythig set down by the FCC or The ARRL .
If any one NOTICE Most all the time any SSB Stations get on 7.290 or above the AM’ers come in there.
Just causes Problems and QRM for All
Dow (W4DOW) Licensed Amateur for 55 Years (this Month)