4 Metre Band

Hi All

Please see my amended post above.


Matt G8XYJ

No-one enlightened me Matt, so the Wouxun has been staying at home… :frowning:

Consider yourself enlightened… all the activations recorded by GM activators on 4m in GM.

4/19/2008 GM8HXE/P GM3NKG GM/SS-064 Tinto
6/5/2009 GM4WHA/P M1LSD/M GM/SS-249 Grange Fell
6/5/2009 GM4WHA/P GM3VMB GM/SS-249 Grange Fell
2/20/2010 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
2/20/2010 GM7GAX/P GM3WIL GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
4/4/2010 GM7GAX/P GM8BBA GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
4/4/2010 GM7GAX/P GM8FHK GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
4/10/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-062 Beinn Chaorach
4/10/2010 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL GM/SS-062 Beinn Chaorach
4/10/2010 GM7GAX/P GC0OOO GM/SS-062 Beinn Chaorach
4/18/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-129 Meikle Bin
4/18/2010 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-129 Meikle Bin
6/17/2010 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-011 Ben Lomond
6/17/2010 GM7GAX/P MM1LJB GM/SS-011 Ben Lomond
8/7/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7NZI GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
8/7/2010 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
8/7/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
8/7/2010 GM7GAX/P GM4FZH GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P M1LSD GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P 2M0IZC GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P GI3YDH GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P GM0USI/M GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7NZI GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P GI0GDP GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
8/31/2010 GM7GAX/P GM8WWI/M GM/SI-006 Goat Fell
9/26/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-251 Ben Bowie
9/26/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7NZI GM/SS-251 Ben Bowie
9/26/2010 GM7GAX/P MM1LJB GM/SS-251 Ben Bowie
10/16/2010 GM7GAX/P MM1LGB GM/SS-068 Beinn Eich
10/16/2010 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-068 Beinn Eich
10/16/2010 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL GM/SS-068 Beinn Eich
10/16/2010 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-068 Beinn Eich
10/16/2010 GM7GAX/P GM4FZW GM/SS-068 Beinn Eich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P 2W0CYM/M GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P GI3YDH GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P G0OWA GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P MM1LGB GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP/P GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/2/2011 GM7GAX/P MM0ELF GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
1/29/2011 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL/M GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
2/6/2011 GM1INK/P GM7GAX GM/SS-251 Ben Bowie
3/5/2011 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL/M GM/SS-058 Ben Venue
3/5/2011 GM7GAX/P GM7NZI GM/SS-058 Ben Venue
3/27/2011 GM7GAX/P 2M0IZC GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
3/27/2011 GM7GAX/P MM0XXP GM/SS-027 Ben Donich
4/3/2011 GM7GAX/P GM1TCN GM/SS-235 King’s Seat
4/3/2011 GM7GAX/P GM4FVM GM/SS-235 King’s Seat
4/3/2011 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-235 King’s Seat
10/2/2011 GM7GAX/P MM1HMZ/P GM/SI-003 Ben More
10/2/2011 GM7GAX/P MM3BCA GM/SI-003 Ben More
10/2/2011 GM7GAX/P GM8RBR GM/SI-003 Ben More
4/22/2012 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
4/22/2012 GM7GAX/P GM0FSZ GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
5/5/2012 GM7GAX/P 2M0MTJ GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
5/5/2012 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
5/12/2012 GM7GAX/P GM0FSZ GM/SS-222 Duncolm
5/12/2012 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-222 Duncolm
5/12/2012 GM7GAX/P 2M0NCM/P GM/SS-222 Duncolm
5/12/2012 GM7GAX/P GM7TFN GM/SS-222 Duncolm
7/25/2012 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-006 Beinn Ime
1/12/2013 GM7GAX/P MM1AHL GM/SS-064 Tinto
2/17/2013 GM7GAX/P GM7UAU GM/SS-066 Beinn a’Mhanaich
11/5/2013 GM1ZJQ/P GM6ZFI GM/SS-286 Lamberton Hill
11/5/2013 GM1ZJQ/P GM4FVM GM/SS-286 Lamberton Hill
11/5/2013 GM1ZJQ/P GM8BDX GM/SS-286 Lamberton Hill
11/5/2013 GM1ZJQ/P GM4CXP GM/SS-286 Lamberton Hill
6/28/2014 GM7GAX/P GM7GDE GM/SS-155 Hill of Stake
7/11/2014 GM4TOE/P GM3UAG GM/ES-070 Hill of Fare

It seems there is activity on 4m over the border Gerald.

You had best get that Wouxun out again!

Once I get the MG I am planning to focus on (probably 40m) and 4m! 4m, what a superb band that is so cheap to get on.


Matt G8XYJ

Many thanks - not that many when you look at it. Looks like I’ll have to make arrangements with Bobby… :wink:

Hi Gerald,

4m is quite quiet up in GM but usually if we know you are giving it a try some of us will oblige (work etc permitting). Bobby GAX was one of the most frequent users on 4m as Andy’s list shows. Strange that mine aren’t on there - 22 QSO’s on this band, in fact Beinn Rudbh GM/SS-086 (18/03/2012) I purposely set out to not only be the first to activate this summit but I was determined to activate it on 4m and I managed it.

Eric FSZ in Girvan has 4m running all day in the hope that he will hear someone. First thing he asks he when he knows I am going out to play SOTA is “4m?”. So there is activity up here but don’t expect a pile-up. Along the Central Belt is the most populated for 4m but all depends on the time of day etc.

I used to always take 4m with me and on occasion still do but don’t always use it. I did have a few contacts will I was over on Kintyre. I also have a J-pole for it as it is easy to set up and light, also have a Delta Loop for it but alright on a calm day.

Give it ago!

73 Neil

I bet I searched for calls starting GM or MM completely forgetting calls starting 2M, sorry :blush:


I’ve used 4M in Scotland, not from a Munroe though, and have made contacts.

On my trip from 23rd March I’ll have 4M with me both with a Woxun HH and a KX3 with 4M add on board.

I’m hoping to have made up a Moxon for 4M but I do have a portable 3 element triangular quad which I might take along as well. Although it does take a few minutes to put it together and get off the ground.

So, I’ll have 4M FM and CW available. OK, and SSB if I remember to take the new microphone for the KX3. :wink:

Hi Neil,

Pity you didn’t tell me about 4m in Ayrshire…

Anyway, in general terms it still looks like 4m is very much an “add-on” band in GM, like it is in some other parts of the country. Around the Lakes, North and South Pennines and North Wales it could well be sufficient to run just 4m and be reasonably certain of qualifying a summit. I will have to revisit my logs from the period when I ran the band to see how I fared. I do recall dragging a brick up Shining Tor in the pre-Wouxun days…

It’s a pity that the next GM trip will be poor in terms of the time allocated for each summit, so I think I will keep the batteries charged on the Wouxun ready for later in the year. There are still some hills in the Pentlands waiting to be activated and a number not too far from Girvan. :wink:

73, Gerald

I have one of those rigs in the shack Mike, not used it for some time as the last time it was used was for packet radio (showing my age now). Well, I will dust it off and put it in the car when I am out. will be great to have a 4m FM contact again…

I have 160w on 4m to a 4ele beam (horizontal) if I know there will be sota activity I can try to be qrv.

On July 4, 2021, around noon I worked from a flat area in the countryside of Alacant (IM98rh) a bunch of European (mainly UK) stations in SSB and CW on 4m with My Xiegu G90, an Ukrainian 28/70 MHz transverter, and a ladder-line slim Jim antenna #EB5GPG kindly made for me, placed roughly horizontally, NW–SE.

The RSGB NFD contest was on, by the way.

Grrr…, no SotA for me in a while, still recovering from a doubly-sprained ankle (SotA accident!).

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Plenty of 6 and 4 Es during field day which was nice for a change having set up 3 stations.

On 4m there was an HG7 (JN92?) beacon audible around noon in IO74WV that was peaking S9 and its beacon text said it was running 5W to a dipole. Later on we worked an EA7 in IM77 at about 1950km.

The day before on 6m the band was full of stations from Eastern Europe including Moldova, Turkey, Cyprus etc.

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Hello Milos, not seeing your images.

73 de Geoff vk3sq

Hi, Geoff. Here are the pictures of the antenna:
73, Milos S57D

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