4 days in the DM/BW land

As programmed I made a little trip in the Black Forest with my wife. I planned to activate some easy summits to increment my score with the goal of reaching in short time my first (and last) MG.
The forecast was not so good but the weather & propagation gods had pity of an old man and I made 8 activations, of which only one without points for me (only 1 qso in the rain storm on Hochfirst DM/BW-015).The other summits activated brought me 70 points (DM/BW-001, 003, 008, 009, 018, 156, 228).
Thanks to all the chasers who contacted me in spite of the late effects of the solar storm.
Some pictures to show the panoramas of the Schwartwald and the easies summits.


Great report and photos, thanks for shareing.

Geoff vk3sq

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Thanks for the S2S on May 13th. You gave me 14 S2S points on the DM/NS-141.

The conditions were so bad around midday that I only managed a total of 2 qso.

73 Chris

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Yes Chris, very bad conditions on the bands. In the afternoon on Hochfirst I made only 1 qso and take a lot of rain!. Much better in the next days: no rain on activations and propagation quite normal, so it was a positive first experience in DM/BW land with radio.
See you next activation!
73 Claudio


Congratulations Claudio!
A great plan comes together!

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Maybe I see the end of the tunnel, but the MG is far away another 70 points!