3rd Scottish Microwave Round Table

The 3rd Scottish Microwave Round Table takes place on Saturday Nov 2nd 2013 at the Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife.

This may be of some interest to SOTA ops with the rising use of 23cms and 3cms for SOTA contacts. Here is your chance to meet with active microwavers and pick their brains.

There is a program of talks, a small number of traders and a microwave test measuring setup. An after convention dinner is scheduled as well. There are only 6 places remaining and anyone interested should check the Round Table web page at http://www.rayjames.biz/microwavert/id1.html

The follow SOTA activators with an interest in microwaves are attending:
Jack GM4COX, John GM8OTI, Barry GM4TOE, myself Andy MM0FMF
