# 3 W7A Shack Sloth

Thank all of you Guys for making me #3 in W7A 73 Tom N7AMA

In reply to N7AMA:

And there it is. Over in the W7RV 2nd W7A Shack Sloth thread I said “I wonder, do Sloths always come in 3’s?” Now we have the answer - they always DO come in 3’s!

Congratulations Tom, and thanks for making it into all my recent activation logs.


Eric KU6J

Free SOTA Spot Monitor Software + RBNGate FAQ:

Congratulations Tom on achieving the Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M(D)0HGY

In reply to N7AMA:

Well done! Congratulations on being our AZ #3 SOTA Shack Sloth. This has been a good week for AZ SOTA…


Jim N6KZ
Prescott, AZ

In reply to N7AMA:

You dog! Good work…so on to 2000 points!


In reply to N7AMA:
Congrats Tom…thanks for the alerts on 2m FM. Who will be #4?

73/Tommy W7RV

In reply to W7RV:


I’m trying my best to make it to #4 although it will take a bit of time for me to get there.

I have to admit its darned rough to sit here and watch all you guys making all those points while I’m at work. I was just telling Pete yesterday that I need to get another job…or simply retire!

Hey…heads up. I happen to know from pretty good sources there will be at least one 10 pointer going on the airwaves from W7A this weekend. I also have it from pretty good sources that there will be a 10 pointer active tomorrow (Friday)(assuming I can get the xyl up early enough so I can make the drive to Pinal Peak).

I’ll do 20M first, then drop to 40M for everyone local. I’ll also have a 2M/440 handie with me for the first time so if you guys want to try something 2m/440 FM related, I can accommodate. Of course I’m good with most any HF band you want to try including 6M. I’d really like to try something on 80M/75M one day…the 88’ doublet loads up on 80 just fine. Should be a good cloud warmer.

73 and congrats to you and all the other new Sloths in W7A

In reply to W7RV:

WoooHooo! I finally made it to the coveted Sloth status! I netted a contact with KX0R today at 17:41 UTC, making me the #4 Sloth in W7A.


Congratulations Dave on achieving the Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to N5XL:
Really great Dave. Thanks for the ten pointers this weekend. 73 Tom N7AMA

In reply to N5XL:

Congrats Dave! I believe if I was home the past week, I would be close to #5 in AZ, probably not now. Eventually I’ll get there.

I should be back on Wed, we need to get the guys together for “refreshments” very soon.



In reply to N5XL:

Congrats Dave. Glad u could join the club. So now the question is…what’s next?

