3 days in the Vosges

I spent 3 days in the Vosges (France) with my wife Rosanna. The goal was to activate some easy 10 pointer summits. My wife and me we have some problems with knees and I have other major issues with my heart (4 bypasses and a pacemaker) so the easy summits of the Vosges were a solution to satisfy the body and the spirit collecting some points for my activator score. In November 2022 I made the last activation so I was impatient to make another one.
At the end the weather was good and my location in Gérardmer was very close to many easy summits.
I activated 10 ones collecting 100 points: not so bad! The only regret was the Hohneck: this is a drive up summit but….it is private and no radio amateur activity is permitted (self explaining picture). Furthermore there was plenty of cars and people (maybe a local holyday or some gathering) and no place to park. So I was forced to find another summit and I choosed the most easy one: Le Champ du Feu FL/VO-019.
Summits activated:
04/07 FL/VO-001 FL/VO-078 FL/VO-081
05/07 FL/VO-003 FL/VO-016 FL/VO-021 FL/VO-031
06/07 FL/VO-170 FL/VO-080 FL/VO-019
The Vosges are a very nice destination for activators (not only!) and you can find good food and beverage.


Thanks for the report. I see you had a great time. :sunny:
FL/VO is a vy nice region. Lots off ten-pointers and nice views from the top of the summits. Love to activate SOTA in this region.
When I was on FL/VO-002, after about 20 QSO’s I was ordered to leave the summit by the owner. I hadn’t see the sign.:scream: Only when I went back to the car.

Tonnie - PA9CW

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I was lucky to see the sign before and to find the parking full. Hi

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