2m All Modes 24 February, G/DC-003

I have recently obtained a Yaesu FT-897D which can transmit 50W on all modes VHF. I’ve previously activated a couple of SOTA summits using 2m SSB, CW, FM and digital with 10W and I would like to see what I can do with 50W.

I am planing to activate G/DC-003 on Saturday afternoon 24 February starting at about 1500.

I will be using a 5 el Yagi and will start with it horizontal and run through SSB, CW and digital. While on digital I will probably use an HT for FM. I will then switch the antenna to vertical and run through the modes again. I may try 144MSK for a chance of aircraft scatter but only if I know someone will be listening. FT4 would be good but again, only if I know someone will be using it as what little digital traffic there is on 2m is all FT8 in my experience.

I will be grateful for any listeners, especially using CW and digital and even 144MSK but all replies will be welcome.Two years ago @GM0EVV/P and I managed a 533 km S2S using 2m CW so I know this mode works.

If time allows I will finish off with a short spell on 10m.


I’ve used an FT-857D from there, the same circuitry as the 897, there is a pager antenna on the ventilator chimney which occasionally desenses the 857 so I suggest setting up away from the chimney.

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Yes, I’ve experienced a short burst of loud QRM every now and then on this summit. It didn’t stop the activation but the summit is quite flat so I’m planning to get on the edge of it for the best VHF takeoff and as far from the mast as I can.

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If you’re QRO on 2m digital, won’t that overload the HT?

10m digi and 2m FM work OK together but on the same band they might not?


Good point! I’ve done this while using HF digital which wasn’t a problem of course. I’ll try it anyway and see how I get on. :slight_smile:

I was there yesterday with my 857! Operated from the trig point on 2m with a half wave dipole and although a few bursts were noticed from the transmitter on the other side of the car park, it didn’t get in the way. My biggest problem was the less than ideal wx.

If you’re on a beam then that should also help.

Hope it goes well, all the best with your activation.

Mike G7HEM