23cm in G/LD

Yes, me too, it was so close. With the squelch open, I could hear a distinct change in the noise when you transmitted (good enough to peak the beam), and pick out some occasional voice patterns, but just not enough to make out any words.
It occured to me afterwards, that as I was receiving on an FT817, I could have switched the BFO on, and you could have sent a report in CW using the pressel switch. Probably wouldn’t have been T9, though!

The GJ-G7 must have a pretty good receiver. The path / antenna loss I suppose would be reciprocal, and I was only running 3 or 4 dB more than you.

Didn’t get a pic of my 23cm set-up, so showing my 2M & 13cm arrangement. The 13cm antenna is a 17 element one from Antennas-Amplifiers, taken out of its radome and taped to some PVC conduit, which just happened to be the right size to fit in my mast.