20m to VK/ZL to EU open daily to QRP - give 20m a go! (Part 1)

Hi all

Wow what a week and this evening was a culmination to finish off the week of long path propagation across Europe.

From Mt Ainslie VK1/AC-040, 81 QSOs on 20m from 0530 to 0720 UTC. My equipment: FT-857 at 25 watts, inverted V linked dipole with the apex at ~7m and an 8Ah LIFEPO4 battery.

The summit is public access and as you can see from the photos there isn’t space for a 20m 1/4 wave ground plane, hence my only option was to deploy a 20m inverted V half-wave dipole. The inverted V antenna didn’t let me down!

A Summit to Summit QSO with Fraser MM0EFI/P at GM/ES-068. Thanks Fraser for a new GM summit, your signal was strong to me!

Edit - Also two mobile stations worked: PD2GCM/M and DF4TD/M. I am confident this is the first time I have worked two mobile callsigns in Europe from a VK1 summit. How good is that!?

I have lost track of the number of countries worked, however I think Malta and Ireland are new for me, there may be others. Please feel free to browse through my log below:

Time Callsign Band Mode Notes
05:21 VK2IO 7MHz SSB Gerard s59 r57
05:21 VK3TB 7MHz SSB Ian s59 r59
05:24 VK3PF 7MHz SSB Peter s58 r55
05:24 VK2PEZ 7MHz SSB Andrew s59 r59
05:30 SA4BLM 14MHz SSB s59 r55
05:31 F5JKK 14MHz SSB s59 r56
05:31 ZL1BQD 14MHz SSB Roly s59 r59
05:33 ZL3JD 14MHz SSB Phil s59 r57
05:34 ON4VT 14MHz SSB s58 r53
05:35 G0VWP 14MHz SSB s59 r53
05:37 MM0EFI/P 14MHz SSB s58 r55 S2S GM/ES-068
05:38 ON3YB 14MHz SSB s58 r54
05:39 SP5BR 14MHz SSB John s59 r57
05:40 ZL2ATH 14MHz SSB Wynne s58 r57
05:41 OP7M 14MHz SSB s59 r59
05:42 F5PMW 14MHz SSB s58 r56
05:43 IZ2EWR 14MHz SSB s59 r59
05:45 DL7CX 14MHz SSB s59 r57
05:46 OK2MI 14MHz SSB s58 r57
05:47 S56RPJ 14MHz SSB s58 r44
05:48 OK2TC 14MHz SSB s59 r59
05:49 DJ2MX 14MHz SSB s59 r55
05:51 EA7JUR 14MHz SSB s59 r44
05:51 OZ8KW 14MHz SSB s59 r58
05:54 OH6GAZ 14MHz SSB s58 r53
05:55 PA1LX 14MHz SSB s59 r58
05:56 EB3AM 14MHz SSB George s59 r57
05:57 DL6BBT 14MHz SSB s59 r58
06:00 PD2GCM/M 14MHz SSB s58 r58
06:01 VK4KC 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r59
06:01 VK4MAD 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r59
06:01 VK4DOG 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r59
06:03 SM4CJM 14MHz SSB s59 r57
06:04 SP5INQ 14MHz SSB s58 r53
06:05 F4WBN 14MHz SSB Chris s59 r58
06:06 PE1PIC 14MHz SSB s58 r52
06:06 OH1MM 14MHz SSB s59 r59
06:07 SM4YWL 14MHz SSB s59 r57
06:08 G0RQL 14MHz SSB Don s59 r56
06:10 VK/ZL3MR 14MHz SSB John s59 r44
06:10 OH1TP 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:12 S52BB 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:14 UA3ZDC 14MHz SSB s59 r58
06:15 9H5JO 14MHz SSB Jo s58 r56
06:17 DF4TD/M 14MHz SSB s57 r54
06:18 DK7RD 14MHz SSB s59 r55
06:19 S58AL 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:20 F4HZR 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:21 EA4AAI 14MHz SSB s59 r59
06:24 VK4KD 14MHz SSB Phil s59 r59
06:25 CT1DIZ 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:26 ON7ZM 14MHz SSB s59 r55
06:27 VK3BQ 14MHz SSB Andrew s59 r59
06:29 OH6JUM 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:30 ZL1SKL 14MHz SSB Soren s59 r57
06:31 VK5AYL 14MHz SSB Sue s59 r59
06:37 IZ5CML 14MHz SSB Henry s58 r55
06:37 VK5IS 14MHz SSB Ian s59 r59
06:39 DL8DXL 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:40 IK2SAR 14MHz SSB s59 r55
06:43 M0IQD 14MHz SSB Tony s58 r55
06:44 DL1EJA 14MHz SSB Oliver s59 r57
06:46 IK1GPG 14MHz SSB s59 r59
06:47 IV3OKO 14MHz SSB Andy s59 r55
06:48 DL7HU 14MHz SSB Wolf s59 r55
06:51 DB5OG 14MHz SSB Carston s59 r55
06:52 ON5WQ 14MHz SSB Bernard s59 r57
06:53 OH5EP 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:55 HB9EVJ 14MHz SSB Vince s59 r57
06:56 EA2BD 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:58 IW2BNA 14MHz SSB s58 r55
07:00 G4DST 14MHz SSB Rob s59 r57
07:01 SP1JQJ 14MHz SSB s58 r59
07:03 SA2CLU 14MHz SSB s59 r57
07:06 ON7YZ 14MHz SSB s58 r55
07:10 OK1SDE 14MHz SSB s57 r44
07:11 RM2D 14MHz SSB Mats s59 r56
07:12 OE6RCD 14MHz SSB s58 r57
07:13 EA2DT 14MHz SSB s58 r44
07:14 EA4R 14MHz SSB s59 r55
07:14 OH1XT 14MHz SSB Yari s59 r59
07:17 EI9GLB 14MHz SSB s57 r34
07:18 SQ3SHI 14MHz SSB Mek s58 r56
07:19 DJ5AV 14MHz SSB Michael s59 r56
07:20 EA3F 14MHz SSB s58 r55

Mt Ainslie summit VK1/AC-040. Edit: Inverted V dipole is broadside North-South with the elements running East-West. It’s a restricted space therefore there is little I can do to change the set up.

Mt Ainslie is a recognised WWFF Nature Reserve, I will submit the VKFF log file separately to the VK1 VKFF representative.

Happy to leave the weekend to other VK activators, good luck to all chasers and activators. I trust the current long path conditions will continue over the weekend.

73, Andrew VK1AD


Brilliant to get you in the log Andrew. Well done to you and the rest of the VK & ZL crew for getting up hills this past week and providing about as much RF fun as you can get!

Cheers, Fraser


Hi, TNX for qso.
73 José

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Marcin started early in the morning. He called you from Polish sq9ita / p only qrp but you were 55. unfortunately no big antenna from my friends helped. again dx = selfishness. maybe another time

Well done Andrew!

Ironically, I couldn’t get through to you for a S2S contact on 20M.
I could hear you, but I was obviously drowned out by the amazing signals coming in from EU.

I also managed a S2S with Fraser… thanks!

My set-up was almost identical to yours…linked dipole, 7M squid pole, 8Ah LIFEPO4 battery, FT-897D radio (the 897D and 857D have the same boards). I was running 20 watts.

At times it was difficult to find a clear frequency on 20M there was so much activity.

I hope to activate another VK3 summit over the weekend.

Thanks to all the chasers and S2S contacts.



Great to work you Col. It was a struggle at first, however you came up with time. Great effort!

I plan on being out early on Sunday, so maybe a chance for another…



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Hi Fraser

The temptation to work another GM summit S2S is too much. I will activate a VK1 summit from 0530 UTC Sunday to 0710 UTC. Sunset is 0730 UTC and the ambient temp drops very quickly this time of year.

Folks in VK, how about activating a couple more VK peaks?

The VK space weather forecast is indicating enhanced propagation conditions for Saturday. There doesn’t appear to be any sign of degraded conditions in the next 48 hours. :+1:


Andrew VK1AD


Wish I’d stayed on my summit for last night - but it was about 3 degrees at 4pm (good hard frost here, 1000m below, this morning) and the idea of hanging around another 1.5hrs for the beginning of the opening didn’t appeal. I really do need to toughen-up before winter!

However, did manage to work TM15IF from the caravan on 14.310 / F/PO-207 with armchair copy. Didn’t get the operator’s personal call, but thanks for that, whoever you were! My first F summit.

And I now know what Fraser MM0EFI sounds like. Sadly it was a 1-way only QSO with my 20w from a valley-floor camp apparently insufficient, So still have not got a Scottish summit in the log. Maybe tonight?!

Alert in for 6pm on ZL3/CB-451 - the 6-pointer photographed in my earlier post. Here’s hoping for a warmer evening!


Will do an activation on Sunday as well. Mt Lambie again.


I will trying from France from FL/NO-087. :slight_smile:

Andrew, I was at qth last night & heard you work your way through the pile up. Well done. I went up to 10M & worked a VK3 on digi, then we both changed to ssb & then moved to 12M. 58 both ways on 12M & 55 on 10M ssb. CW wasn’t an option. I don’t know if you have those bands but just food for thought.

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Hi Col,

Congrats on working Fraser S2S, it’s quite rare to pick up a GM peak. I did listen for you on 14.320 but nothing heard.

The space weather forecast is looking good for today and tomorrow.

Again well done!

73, Andrew VK1AD

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I’ll be out later today, Saturday, from about 0600 UTC at VK3/VC-031.

I hope to get some EU DX on 20m SSB


Good luck Peter I’ll be listening but only from the home QTH unfortunately

Listening to Peter VK3ZPF on 14.388 MHz SSB work a massive EU pile up. Well done Peter.

Edit: 14.338 MHz

Andrew VK1AD

I hope that was a typo … perhaps 14.288?
73 Ed.

Ben Ohau - ZL3/CB-451 - 1522m, 6pts

That was chaos. Sorry to all who didn’t get through. The combination of double-ups and the wind (45km/h on arrival, 70km/h+ on departure) howling overhead made for very difficult copy. Thankfully someone has built a small shieling - that UK style circular stone wall shelter - on the summit. The first I’ve encountered in NZ. So was able to lie down and be out of the wind, but the noise was horrendous!

A real climb this time after the easy bumps and lumps I’ve been activating so far for these ZL-EU contacts. Defined by at least a 1000m climb, and this one came in at +1012m from carpark to summit.

53 contacts all up. One summit to summit with DL3EC - thanks again! All over Europe, a good complement of ZLs and VKs, and one US station.

Apologies to the 2nd attempted summit to summit. Your signal was there for one letter gone for the next. Very rapid QSB if QSB it was. I’d catch one or 2 letters each call, but could never work out what order they all went in. Thanks for all the attempts though - you get the prize for perseverance…

Will go through the logs in the morning and see where you were all from!

Shower, dinner and bed is all I’m up for right now.

(and yes Jessie, feeding the dog).


Was a typo, should be 14.338.

Andrew VK1AD


Many thanks, that was me as F/M0WIV/P calling from FL/NO-087. Your signal was very clear, 55 to 57. The summit I was on is low (330m) and rounded so not the best take-off. I was using a dipole running N to S and 10W from an IC-705. But even just to be heard in ZL is a first for me. :slight_smile: I will indeed persevere and may try again tomorrow after checking the speech compressor settings, which are not optimal I think.


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Ach. Should have remembered your alert - I’d probably have got it with that in mind. You were at a real disadvantage with the extra prefix there!

Scribbles on pad are: F5? | K?WI | FV ? WIF

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