20m to VK/ZL to EU open daily to QRP - give 20m a go! (Part 1)

Hi Matt, FY5KE is a club station in French Guiana (near Venezuela in South America), not up here in Europe. Nice contact to make portable in any case!

Wolfie DK8MZ is not far from me and yes - he has a beam but not really a “super station” rather a good station.

Sorry I missed you, I might have had a chance of getting you, despite the fact that I have no beam.
73 Ed DD5LP.

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I had a listen for you, and couldn’t hear you, but my hexbeam was pointing short-path…

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I have posted alerts for Mon VK1/AC-037, Wed VK1/AC-039, Thu VK1/AC-040 and Sat VK1/AC-041. Rain is forecast for Tue next week.

Let’s see if the propagation gods play nice.

Andrew VK1AD

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I could hear a couple weakly at 0600, but fading away. Probably should have tried to be setup a bit earlier at 0530. DK8MZ at 0700 with the '817, so worth the trip up.

Anyway a nice still autumn evening, took the missus along because “Sunset is for Lovers”

“of DX”

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Ha! Funny. I got excited on the peak and thought that must be some French Island or territory. But when I got home their QRZ page just said France, and I assumed the odd prefix must just be a club prefix.

So yes - that really does make the nighttime climb (well nighttime descent at least) worth while!

@ZL1THH - glad you got at least one EU contact out of it. A week ago I’d have been delerious at one EU SOTA contact! Feel a bit spoilt now.

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I will be activating VK3/VC-002 from 0500z 17 April.
I’ll be running 100 W SSB and trying 40, 20,15 and 10m.
Sorry - no CW.
I will spot if I have coverage.

Edit - due to vehicle issues I am not on summit today.

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Condx where very poor on 20m. Most QSOs unfortunately on 40m.
Next try Monday at around 6:00 UTC from a location with a better takeoff.


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DL3EC on DL/EW-059 workable in ZL4 on 20m. Fingers crossed for more. Is 20m on its way back?

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Hi Andrew,
I’ll be looking for you tomorrow from a PAFF reference nearby. 10W and delta loop.

73, Victor


Hiya Matt @ZL4NVW,

Nic M7NDC and I chose to activate in the early UTC window this morning, on Easington Fell G/SP-012. It worked as well! We both managed contacts on 20m SSB with Paul @VK5PAS and Marija @VK5MAZ.

We used the FT-818, 6w into a SotaBeams 20/40m linked dipole. The VK’s were 5/9 here, our received reports were 5/3.

Chuffed is an understatement. As far as I know, I’ve never worked VK since being licenced in 1996, so to do it from a SOTA summit is an extra bonus. A new DXCC for Nic too.

Hope to catch you one morning soon. We both want a ZL in the log now :wink:
Best 73, Simon.


Thanks Victor, I will listen for your callsign on 20m and look for your PAFF spots on Parks n Peaks.

My preferred op freq is around 14.310 MHz.

73, Andrew VK1AD


Hi Simon.

Yes - I heard Marija and Paul work you both there. I could hear odd words of what you were saying, and several of your other chasers, but not enough of you to tell when an over started and ended, so was unable to call you. It would not have taken much more to make a QSO possible though, so fingers crossed for the next one! At UTC+12/13 ZL is just that bit harder as the bands are much further down in their daily cycle by the time you all wake up!

Know what you mean about chuffed!

Matt - ZL4NVW


Hi Andrew, I will be out on Wednesday morning (20th) at 0600 UTC onwards on DL/AM-001 Peissenberg looking especially for an S2S with yourself and contacts into VK/ZL. It may be closer to 0630 or even 0700 UTC before the 20m band opens - we’ll see.
I also plan to test on 17m and may start on 40m (Greyline to ZL).

20 watts and a linked dipole as the main antenna.
73 Ed.

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Wow what an opening on 20m, 14.310 MHz SSB, from VK1/AC-037 Mt Taylor!

Apologies for any typos in the log extract.

Worked the following countries (14) in no particular order: New Zealand, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Slovakia, UK, Germany, Hungary, France, Alaska, Slovenia, Italy and the Netherlands. 49 QSOs on 20m and 6 QSOs on 40m (local VK).

In VK I worked: VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5 and VK6. Nice to work John VK6NU, it’s been a few years.

Summit to Summit QSOs: Warren ZL2JA @ ZL1/AK-027, Brian VK3BCM @ VK3/VT-049 and Lutz DL3SBA @ DM/NW-204.

The QSO with KL7TC is my first QSO with Alaska. :slight_smile:

Conditions favoured Finland, Germany, Sweden and France. Signal reports were consistently over 5-5, most 5-8 and well above the noise floor at Mt Taylor summit.

Time Callsign Band Mode Notes
05:58 ZL2AJ/P 14MHz SSB Warren s55 r55 S2S ZL1/AK-027
05:59 ZL3JD 14MHz SSB Phil s58 r58
06:01 ZL2ATH 14MHz SSB Wynne s53 r21
06:02 VK5HS 14MHz SSB Ivan s59 r57
06:04 EA4M 14MHz SSB s58 r53
06:06 SP5BR 14MHz SSB John s59 r55
06:07 OH1MM 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:08 VK5AYL 14MHz SSB Sue s59 r55
06:09 VK6NU 14MHz SSB John s57 r53
06:10 EA4R 14MHz SSB s58 r44
06:11 OH1XT 14MHz SSB Yari s58 r57
06:12 ZL1SKL 14MHz SSB Soren s58 r53
06:13 SA4BLM 14MHz SSB s58 r52
06:15 OM5DP 14MHz SSB s58 r45
06:15 VK4NH 14MHz SSB Ray s59 r59
06:16 VK4DXA 14MHz SSB Ray s59 r57
06:17 G0VWP 14MHz SSB s55 r44
06:18 DJ5AV 14MHz SSB Michael s59 r55
06:21 EA4IS 14MHz SSB s58 r24
06:22 VK4HRE 14MHz SSB Bob s58 r33
06:23 OH5EP 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:25 DM5BB 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:25 VK4JJ 14MHz SSB s58 r55
06:26 ON4VT 14MHz SSB s58 r33
06:28 OH6GAZ 14MHz SSB s57 r53
06:29 F4WBN 14MHz SSB s58 r57
06:30 ZL1BQD 14MHz SSB Roly s58 r55
06:32 F1BLL 14MHz SSB s58 r53
06:34 FY5KE 14MHz SSB Chris s59 r55
06:36 KL7TC 14MHz SSB s57 r41
06:38 OH1TP 14MHz SSB s55 r55
06:39 HA5MA 14MHz SSB s56 r55
06:41 S52KM 14MHz SSB s58 r58
06:42 S56RPJ 14MHz SSB s57 r54
06:44 OG7J 14MHz SSB s58 r45
06:45 IW2BNA 14MHz SSB s58 r53
06:46 DL2ND 14MHz SSB s58 r51
06:48 PA3GFY 14MHz SSB Rob s58 r55
06:50 VK4SYD 14MHz SSB Rob s59 r59
06:52 VK4KC 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r55
06:53 VK4DOG 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r52
06:53 VK4MAD 14MHz SSB Marty s59 r55
06:55 SM4CJM 14MHz SSB s56 r54
06:56 VK5PAS 14MHz SSB Paul s59 r59
06:57 VK/ZL3MR 14MHz SSB John s57 r55
06:59 DL6MST 14MHz SSB s57 r32
07:01 DJ2MX 14MHz SSB s56 r31
07:04 DL3HXX 14MHz SSB s55 r31
07:06 VK3BCM/P 7MHz SSB Brian s58 r58 S2S VK3/VT-049
07:08 VK2IO 7MHz SSB Gerard s59 r58
07:10 VK3PF 7MHz SSB Peter s59 r58
07:11 ZL4NVW 7MHz SSB Matt s58 r44
07:12 VK3GTV 7MHz SSB Col s59 r59
07:12 VK2DA 7MHz SSB Andrew s59 r57
07:16 DL3SBA/P 14MHz SSB Lutz s57 r44 S2S DM/NW-204

Mt Taylor is also a WWFF park Mt Taylor Nature Reserve VKFF-0854. I will submit the VKFF file separately.

Equipment: FT-857D @ 25 watts, 1/4 ground plane with 3 elevated radials, battery LIFEPO4 4S 8Ah.

The 20m band was open to Europe at 0604 UTC for a QSO with EA4M. At 0705 UTC the band went quiet so I went to 40m to work VK locals. Just before VK sunset I saw a spot for Lutz DL3SBA @ DM/NW-204 at 0715 UTC so I quickly changed back to 14.310 MHz and found Lutz at signal strength 5-7.

I will try 20m to EU and UK again on Wednesday from VK1/AC-039 Yellow Rabbit Hill. Alert posted.

A big thanks to all chasers across Europe, ZL and VK. Tonight’s activation was up there with the best results from 2014/2015.

Operating position on the ground:

Antenna: weird formatting by this site has changed the size and orientation of the photo?

Kangaroos provided additional propagation SKIP :laughing:

Steep ascent on foot

Descent after sunset

73, Andrew VK1AD


The 20m band was open at 0604 UTC.

Andrew VK1AD

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Unfortunately - no luck with wire antennas. I was on the frequency from 6 till 7 AM UTC, but your signal was buried in the noise. I tried a vertical delta loop, and then quickly transformed it into the inverted V - same result. Will be trying again on Thursday with a GP and a HWEF in a vertical configuration.

73, Victor

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H Andrew, unfortionately I could not hear any DX. Used a similar antenna as you.

Geoff vk3sq

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The goose laid a big golden egg this evening Ron. :slight_smile:

Hi Andrew,
Yes I was listening for and just heard you a couple of times on 14310. The trouble was there was a carrier from somewhere in Europe exactly on that frequency as well and my noise level at home, while not bad, is 2-3 S-Points higher than when I go out portable.

I managed good contacts with Ernie VK3DET and Paul VK5PAS but would have loved to work you on Mt Taylor as that’s the only VK1 summit that I have ever activated and that was back on August 10th 2013 - so quite some time ago HI.

I agree the walk up is steep but nothing compared to some summits we have around here.

For my Wednesday activation I have a drive-up summit, so hopefully we’ll manage an S2S between DL/AM-001 (Peissenberg) and VK1/AC-039 (yellow rabbit hill - a summit I have never heard of).

73 Ed.

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Worked them both today as well. Amazing signal. Was received with 5W with 53 near Adelaide. Antenna used was a vertical with grounded radials. Worth gettting up earlier in Europe :wink: