2024 W4 SOTA Spring Campout

Dates: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 - Monday, May 6th
Location: Wytheville, Virginia - Stony Fork Campground, George Washington & Jefferson National Forest - Recreation.gov

Our W4 spring campout will be back in SW Virginia this year at Stony Fork Campground, near the Intersection of interstate highways I-81 and I-77. Great access to summits in 4 associations! The bad news is that all of the reservable sites were quickly snatched up by the regulars last fall. So sorry about that, but the good news is there are 30 first-come, first-serve sites. Last year at least 5-10 sites were available all weekend and I wouldn’t hesitate to just show up, but I understand that may be a hard call for others. I have used this campground on road trips over the years and have always found a campsite.

Like all of our W4 campouts, come when you can and leave when you have to. We encourage everyone to show up - activators, chasers and newbies. It is always a great way to take a deep dive into activating SOTA summits with so many experienced activators around willing to share the trail and summits with hams new to SOTA.

We have a great group coming this year from all over and hope you can join us too!

73, pat - ww4d

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