Location: Lake Rabun Beach Campground - Lake Rabun Beach Campground - Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest - Recreation.gov
When: Wed-Sun, Oct 2-6, 2024 (reservable on April 9th at 10:30 a.m.)
We will be back at Lake Rabun Beach Campground again this year for our fall SOTA campout. This is a large sprawling campground with plenty of space for all who want to come. Like all of our W4 campouts, come when you can and leave when you have to. We encourage everyone to show up - activators, chasers and newbies. It is always a great way to take a deep dive into activating SOTA summits with so many experienced activators willing to share the trail and summits with hams new to SOTA.
The campground is located just south of Joe Mountain in the bottom center of the map.
Here’s a better map of the campground than what is posted online. We will have our traditional Saturday potluck dinner at the group campsite which is between the two campground loops on the back road.
73, pat - ww4d