
this is the 6th time we hold the annual meeting of EA2 SOTA activators and friends.
This year we will activate on Saturday 8th of june .

A large group of EA2 amateurs will share equipment and antennas to activate Mount Bitigarra, ref. EA2/VI-013 .

We will use the special callsign EG2UNA , as for the previous years, and we will operate for a while then changing operator.

If you can please try to work us in different modes / bands as it is possibly an operator change.
We will report and provide some pictures and the story after the event.

Cheers and 73 de Ignacio



last saturday we had our activation day together, as planned.

Weather was fine and a big group of activators and relatives went up the summit to put on air the summit EA2/VI-013.

Propagation wasn’t at its best shape but most of us qualified using the speciall call EG2UNA.
We met with lots of HB9 activators as well on their special activation day from different summits!

Here you see the group pictured on the summit:

Top row (left to right):
EA2ENC Axier, EA2EKQ Alex, EA2EEB Juancar, EA2WX Marcial, EA2AQ Cruz, EA2OX Salva, EA2EPV Rosana, EA2BD Ignacio, EA2CCG Joaquin, EA2DPZ Luis, EA2DYS Alberto & EA2DNO Iratxe

Bottom row (left to right):
EC2AG Antonio, EA2DCA Alberto, Bego, EA2EHK Tere, EA2EBN Rebeka, Arantxa (with 4 kids), EA2CW Mikel, EA2CIA Iñaki and EA2MKR Joseba.

We were 19 amateur operators in the summit this year!

Thanks to all chasers who worked us several times as they knew we would pass on the ic / key using the same callsign.

73 de Ignacio and looking forward for the event next year.

A small video here: