200000th spot on SOTAwatch

Earlier today (10-Jan-2014) the 200000th spot was posted on SOTAwatch. Maybe Jon has reset the counters at some time, maybe there were more spots before the RSS feed was available., maybe the counter didn’t start at 0.

However, 200000 spots is a fair old number.

“Fri 11:09 OK1DVM/P on OK/JC-096 - (Posted by KU6J) 7.032 cw”

Also, Gary, the original database author spotted that we have now got over one million CW QSOs logged. The millionth was logged sometime this week (6-10th Jan). The number of SSB and FM contacts logged is impressive too.


In reply to MM0FMF:
Congrats on such achievement!
It’s the SOTA fever and there’s no remedy for it!

In reply to MM0FMF:
HI Andy

This is another notable success for SOTA. The MT I’m sure are proud of their achievements helping us to keep alive our interests in amateur radio in this part of the hobby but also bringing a fair number of people in to the hobby who are combining their interest in fellwalking with ham radio when they discover SOTA exists.

Happy New Year! (I think I can just about still say that)


In reply to G4OBK:
Its a fever all right no cure required just yet, here in VK some ops are even brushing up or learning some cw to get those extra points. The 40m band here is really busy most days with SOTA and the Parks Award running together it brings out both, those not so keen on climbing hills but at least making it to the Park and Activators on Summits.
73 de Ian VK5CZ …

In reply to MM0FMF:

However, 200000 spots is a fair old number.

“Fri 11:09 OK1DVM/P on OK/JC-096 - (Posted by KU6J) 7.032 cw”

Is there a prize for posting the 200,000th spot, or for posting the most spots to SOTAWatch? If so, my address is good on QRZ.com. :wink:


Eric KU6J

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