1st November 2020 Association Uploads

This month features two new associations and some updates.

VE5 Canada - Saskatchewan

Welcome to Jim, VE5EV and Ian, VE6IXD. Not the most mountainous of the Canadian provinces, but a nice selection of hills. There are a good number in the far north, which I imagine will be a challenge to reach, but actually the high-scoring ones are concentrated in the south-west. Anyway, that fills a big gap, should any of you want to try a coast-to-coast VE SOTA road (or rail) trip! Well, perhaps not this year.

[By the way, we’re still looking for volunteers for VO2.]

PY3 - Brazil - Rio Grande do Sul

Welcome to Júlio, PY3AES. This is the most-southerly of the States of Brazil.

W7A - Arizona - Update

Arizona has gone metric! P150 (492 feet) results in the (net) addition of 153 summits. There are a few more than that actually, but then there are a handful retiring as well (nearly all moving to a near neighbour determined as higher by Lists of John).


FL gets two new summits — FL/VO-176 and FL/VO-177.

We’ve got various other tweaks in place, such as lots of new summit names in HL and a couple of JA retirements.


Thanks for the info and good news on the latest changes Simon. I was wondering about FL/VO-164 Ouvrage St. Blaise - 358m, 2 points which appears in the Vosges list, summit is near to Metz and is shown as not yet activated. Is this a recent new summit also?

Good to see a few new ones appearing in Europe for when we get the chance to travel!

73 Phil

PS I just looked at summits page - comment from Christoph ON6ZQ, Military zone. That explains the non - activation of what looks like an easy summit!

You can find that out about any summit, even the retired ones, by using the search facility from the database site. For FL/VO-164 it will lead you here:


Thank you Simon. The ON6ZQ comment on the summit page answers my question.

73 Phil

Hi Phil @G4OBK
You can see on Google street view FL/VO-164 not accessible because >>>
Military Zone :roll_eyes:

sorry for the poor photo quality !
73 Éric

Some people who do not have to comply with SOTA General Rules - 3.7 Rules for Activators and do not care about regulations made videos of the place, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TYhskJAjAs .

Nice to see, also some minor changes of the DM summit list are included in the update:

  • DM/BM-203 adjusted position by 40 m.
  • DM/HE-562 adjusted position by 287 m, changed height by -2 m to 552 m ASL. Added prominence and col position.
  • DM/RP-319 renamed from Trautelsberg to Treutelskopf. Position adjusted by 17 m.
  • DM/TH-844 adjusted position by 41 m.

Thanks to all involved!

73 de Michael, DB7MM

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Hi Simon,
What association or country are you referring to by H?
Is this a typo and you wanted to write perhaps HL or am I a bit silly today and I don’t recognise H?

PS. I’m asking this question now, because I’m late and preparing my SOTA news in Spanish bulletin right now.

HL - Korea

Thanks, Andy.

Thanks Guru. Typo corrected.

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