10m is finally opening again!!

Folks may want to make sure and check out 10m on your activations. Yesterday I worked France, Spain, Germany and Argentina from W5N/SE-035 all on 10m using the KX2 - 35.5Ft (10.82m) endfed wire - 9-1 transformer and 15Ft (4.57m) of RG-174 and very light weight 19.5Ft (5.94) mast. It’s a simple fast setup that has been working well for me. I even got it to tune up well on 80m…probably not very efficient but I worked and S2S with it.
See you on the bands.
Tim - K5DEZ


I worked Canada today from G/NP-009 with 339 both ways. But on 12m I exchanged 599 with another Canadian. So I’m finding 12m better although this was around 1300UTC so perhaps a little early. I’m running 5W to a groundplane.


My 10m times were at about 1800UTC. All signals were 559 or better…Of course Chris/F4WBN came in like a regular local at 579/599. I think he has plenty of aluminum in the sky.

Tim - K5DEZ

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Last night, while set up portable in a park to do net control for the Salt Lake 10-Meter Net, I worked ZL1WN on 10m SSB with a report exchange of 56/55, and another net participant worked him as well. This was after sunset at 0142, Thursday UTC.

(Our net meets Wednesdays at 2000 MT on 28.345 MHz.)

Three hours earlier, I heard a pileup on an Indonesian station, three Japanese stations and a ton of Mexican and South American stations, all on 10m SSB. I copied 30 CW beacons, including ZL and a few Mexicans, and the eastern third of the US. Cycle 25 is getting fun!


Hi Tim,
thanks for the qso on 10m yesterday: good idea to encourage others to use 28 MHz: I am having so much fun in the last weeks!

11 years after my start I SOTA I’m having more qso in 15-12-10 meters around 16 - 18 utc than I can recall in the previous years, and to my surprise, easier with the West Coast. The new cycle is developing well.

Look forward the EU-NA S2S event and to keep on chasing from home.

73 es GL Ignacio


By the time I started listening at about 1700z this evening 10 metres was pretty quiet (and not much QRN either). 12 metres was a bit more promising, but I couldn’t hear any of the spotted SOTA activators calling. 15 metres was better, but with some seriously tricky QSB.

Local sunset was at 1719z this evening.

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Tnx Tim for being there and for the QSO.

And not only the 10m are open…in 12, 15 and 17m I´m have fun with SOTA on the other side of the pond!

There is life beyond 20m!!

73 de EA4R Alfonso

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Just worked John K1JD 28062 peaking 579 on W5N/SE-049

10m in great shape
73 Gavin


Ah, yes 10,15, 12M all going a lot better this fall than the last few years!
I have more SOTA QSOs on 15 this year to date than the previous 3
years combined (about 50 so far). And some on 10, too. And a LOT of
DX QSOs on 10 this year!
John, K6YK

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On 10m today from G/NP-032 I worked AC1Z, W5GDW and LW2DO. Very happy with that as Argentina is a new one for me. This was with 3W of CW to a vertical ground plane.