10m CHALLENGE (Part 3)

Continuing the discussion from 10m CHALLENGE (Part 2) - #100 by G4OBK.

Previous discussions:


I’m in Norfolk, so no SOTA but 10m has been good the last few days with MUF over 30MHz for most of the day.

Got chance to POTA for a short time yesterday with my KX2 into the MPAS-Lite. Best DX was a 10m Park 2 Park with K0TTW in Colorado who was using a hamstick on his car.

Looks like 10m is waking up again.



During my trip to OE5 SOTA day I sometimes send CQ SOTA on 10m.
The band is very unstable and demands a lot of patience.
Activator happiness is like a sine wave but with long pauses between peak jumps.

73, Jarek

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During my activation today on F/MC-069 I heard VU, ZS, VK, and W within a few minutes around 12 o’clock UT… partly with 55 in SSB… Unfortunately I was not heard.

So things are going well again

73 Armin