Award certificates for the 10m Challenge can now be downloaded from your database page
Thanks Barry. Much appreciated.
Thanks, I noticed that when I logged into Sotadata
Thanks Barry much appreciated
Thanks are due to VK3ARR who did all the heavy lifting to make this available - I will take the bouquets though even if I did very little
My links have disappeared. I saw them when I looked from my work PC but now I am on my home PC where I would like to save them, the links are no longer there. I didn’t click on the X. How do I get them back?
EDIT: Bizarrely, clicking on Logout has made them reappear. I didn’t have to log back in as it didn’t actually log me out. Some sort of cookie issue?
There’s a certificates link on the 10m challenge page as well.
Thank you for the certificate and for organizing the challenge. Lots of fun during my 2024 SOTA!
Thanks for your hard work. De W6LEN / Jess
Just seen mine well chuffed, can one have it printed please no doubt at cost of course and PP as well.
I was going to approach our printing section with their fancy colour printers to see if they can print them for me
I don’t see the link mentioned? Nor any clue about how to download certificate! I see my 26 point in 10m Challenge Activator Results. Is there any threshold for achieving certificate level or any one with points will have one" Or there is time frame for download them?
73 de Rumen/LZ2AF
If you can’t see the links try logging out and back in.