10k and Counting

As the Reflector is so quite, I thought I’d post a bit of useless information :wink:

After a joint activation of G/SP-004 Shining Tor with Rob G7LAS last Saturday, I noticed that the number of contacts from this summit on the 2m band crossed the 10,000 mark!

Even G/SP-015 Cloud, which has been activated 344 more times than Shining Tor, has seeen less than 6400 2m contatcts.

However, 70cm contacts from Cloud is an amazing 2156 and from Shining Tor just 252!

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Even G/SP-015 Cloud, which has been activated 344 more times than Shining Tor, has seeen less than 6400 2m contatcts.

That’s because most of those 344 extra activations have been solely for the purpose of my personal CW practice!


In reply to 2E0YYY:

However, 70cm contacts from Cloud is an amazing 2156 and from Shining Tor just 252!

That’s because I do the 432MHz UK activity contests from The Cloud, and not Shining Tor…


In reply to M1EYP:

That’s because I do the 432MHz UK activity contests from The Cloud,
and not Shining Tor…

Yep, forgot about the contests, Tom.

Mind you, it highlights how little activity there is on the 70cm band, when a summit such as Shining Tor with 14,000 SOTA contacts shows only 252 70cm contacts or less than 2% of the total activity.

73 Mike

Less than 2% of the total - shocking. The SOTA world as a whole contributes no less than 2.1% in terms of 70cm QSOss

So clearly something needs to be done about Shining Tor. And you are the Man Mike.


In reply to M1EYP:

If we remove the abnormal figures of 5400 2m QSOs from one from activator alone the figures are more what you’d expect for a summit with an excellent take off from NW to SE in the middle of the 2nd most densly populated part of the UK.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Just think of all the logging!

In reply to MM0FMF:
Hi Andy,

what you mentioned just made me remember a question I wanted to ask you, when you look at the summit info it lists what percentage of activation on each band, but is there any way one could see what the modes of activation where?

Maybe by adding a string to the end of the browser query?


In reply to M0KCB:

No. But you can do this in a compound way that is a bit messy.

Login to the database and look at the activator roll of honour for the association youare interested in, let’s use GM.

Select “data” from the mode drop down and you’ll see a list of activators who have done Data activations. Now you get a list of just 4 activators. If you select each year in turn you can see that Bobby GM7GAX did a data activation in 2011 and it was a 4 pt + bonus activation. Click view and select 2011 and find a 4 point activation with bonus. Click show log and check the log for data QSOs.

It’s a pain but it’s the best you can do from the web interface.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Hi Andy,

Thanks for that, is a bit of a shorter rout than I was going before.

I find trawling databases quite interesting it sometimes throws up some infesting info and stats

By the way you probably may or may not know this I have notice some activators whom have activated PSK (that is what they have put in the notes sections) but have listed it a “Other” by mistake under the “Mode”

In fact I have noticed I made a similar mistake (in my case it was just a single typo) long before I started PSK back in 2011, so I’ll have to fix that one :slight_smile:



In reply to M0KCB:

PSK and JT65 and the like are not valid modes. The valid mode in the database for them is Data. However, a “feature” of the CSV parser was overlooked during the exhaustive (!) testing done when I last changed it and it allows them in. :wink:

They will get caught by the reaper at some point and will probably end up as Other. The S2S CSV update will stop invalid modes getting entered along with adding S2S uploads of course. There are a few other minor tweaks to add along with hopefully stopping the S2S activator drop down boxes being scrolled off the bottom of the screen. Unlikely to appear before Blackpool though.


Hey Mike,

Hope all ok with you.

While some of you are at the rally on Sunday if I’m not working do you mind if I sneak into your back yard and borrow G/SP-004 for a couple of hours? VHF of course.

Thought it polite to ask first

Chris M0RSF