10GHz Trophy

This RSGB contest is on Saturday 4th May. Anyone planning to be out on a summit?

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

I think John GM8OTI will be out but not sure if he’ll be on a summit or not. Our contest mob will be out near Gatehouse of Fleet and we’d appreciate a call. We’ll be QRV 70cms/23cms/13cms/9cms/6cms/3cms/1.2cms.


In reply to MM0FMF:

I dont have a terrain database to hand - what’s the path loss from SP-004?

In reply to MM0FMF:

From Emails that John and I have been exchanging, John will be down in the Wigan area this weekend and is aiming to be on around midday from Southport (so not on for the contest). I am hoping to go to a suitable location to work him possibly (if decent weather) Longridge Fell or Pendle. If poor weather, from the car near to one of those locations.

Mike G4BLH

In reply to G3CWI:

I don’t have a machine that runs 16bit DOS software to hand at work… only 64bit Win7 machines. I’ll look when I get home tonight.


In reply to G3CWI:

Sorry, not a summit this time - have to be on the road. However as Mike says I will be travelling back from Wigan to Scotland on Saturday, and the plan is to park up at the north end of Southport with a LOS path to Pendle for a first 10GHz test with Mike.

I guess SP-004 will not be far from LOS as well (Billinge Hill in the way?) though if you’re out for the contest I’ll be too early for you - we need to get north, can’t sit in a car park in Southport for hours! I’d be happy to try if you’re around though.

I’ll be having a go at the Southport - Gatehouse path at 10GHz, it shouldn’t be difficult, I managed Blackpool to Mull of Galloway on 10GHz SSB with my measly 30mW a few weeks ago with no problems at all.

I intend to be around from about 1130BST to 1300BST.

Hope to be on Cairnharrow or somewhere for the 10GHz cumulatives later in the month!


In reply to GM8OTI:

Hi John

What will you and Mike be using for talkback?

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

Mike suggested 2m FM. I have 25W /M to a quarter wave whip on the car.

On the other hand, I will also have my “car portable” 70cm setup with 100W SSB to an 8-ele, though I’d be swapping the FT-817 between that and the 10G transverter, which is not a problem.

To avoid clogging up the reflector we could QSY to email: gm8oti at googlemail (.com)


I may be hill-top operating on 70cm, 23cm and 3cm, but it is unlikely to be SOTA compliant activity.

Stewart G0LGS

Weather permitting I will be QRV on 10GHz from SP-004 tomorrow. Talkback via ON4KST. Anyone else doing 10GHz SOTA?

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

Not 10GHz SOTA but the path loss details for SP-004 to our contest QTH are:

SJ994737 to NX628564
Distance 228.1km
Bearing 323deg
Scattering loss 74.2dB
Coupling loss 4.6dB
Total troposcatter loss 239dB

We’ve got just over 1W into an 80cms dish on 3cms and will be listening on 2m and ON4KST.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Just KST for me. TTFN.

Cold and windy out today. Best DX on 10GHz, M1CRO/p 275km.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

Hi Richard,

As per my activation report for today, I joined Mike G4BLH on G/SP-014 Longridge Fell today & made my first 10GHz QSO with John G8OTI/P in Southport using Mike’s gear. Not DX by any stretch of the imagination but a good test of John’s gear, which certainly worked well over an unobstructed path. I prefer bouncing my RF off the sky, it’s so much easier, but with my one QSO I am now a member of the very exclusive 10GHz activators club. No rain on Longridge Fell but quite windy, although I’ve had much worse, but the weather did improve as the day went on. Mike wasn’t on for the contest but I hung around & activated on HF & VHF. Quite pleased as I was actually thinking of going back to bed this morning after a very early start :wink:

Well done on the ODX & thanks for the photo, Mike also used a horn feed, with about 240mW SSB.

I doubt I will be constructing anything for the band anytime soon, but I have to say, it is lovely & quiet, unlike certain HF bands.

Thanks & 73,

Mark G0VOF