10GHz Opportunity

In a few weeks I hope to have two 10GHz transverters available to lend to SOTA folk. They are demonstrator units for the GW4DGU transverter system. I would like to lend them for relatively short periods of time to people who will use them to have a go on 10GHz. Bear in mind that 10GHz operating is rather more complicated than other forms of radio and some technical expertise will probably be needed.

If you are interested, drop me an e-mail and I will keep you informed of progress. To keep things simple this will be a UK-only opportunity. I can’t guarantee that you will have the chance to try one as I don’t know how long Chris intends lending them out for.


Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

No takers so far. This is free equipment to try out. Just add an FT-817 and you are on 10GHz! Expected range about 200km.

E-mail me if interested.

73 Richard G3CWI


In reply to G3CWI:

Nope. Amazing. I only have 30mW on 10GHz at present to a 40cm dish, my best DX so far is 242km using SSB, from Cairnharrow GM/SS-191, to a home station.

S2S on 10GHz should be fantastic fun. Come on guys and gals, join us!

Activity on 10GHz in GM is on the rise - three of us are setting up skeds for Sunday just now.


In reply to GM8OTI:

I’d be up for it John as I’ve had quite a bit of experience of 10GHz back in ye olde WBFMe days, but I am time poor at the moment, especially at the weekends when the 10GHz activity usually happens.

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

Hi Gerald,

I too am time poor,& am very rarely found on a summit, but in the absence of other takers I will give one of these 10GHz units a try. They do look very well put together!

Thanks & 73,

Mark G0VOF

Okay chaps, that makes three as M1EYP will be having a go (whether he likes it or not!). As soon as the units arrive I will get in touch to sort out the logistics. If anyone else is interested, contact me, don’t be shy!

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:
Morning Richard
Sent you an e mail last night.
If I am not too late, would like to be added to the list please.

In reply to G4YTD:

Hi Tim

You are on the list! Thanks for your interest.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

Hi Richard,

I could be intersted too, but probably only from a G-WB hill somewhere due to time constraints.



As you know Richard, I had been looking for a band/mode combination to seriously reduce my number of QSOs per activation. I had really thought that 12m PSK31 would have done the trick, but alas not.

This 10G thing might just be the ticket.