10 Meter Phone Activations

First I want to thank all those Op’s that have been coming to 10m phone over the past few months. It seems there have been more activations on 10m phone then normal and I for one appreciate you taking the time to come to 10.

For those that are active on 10m phone you may not realize that here in the United States our Technician Class License can only transmit between 28.300 & 28.500. There have been several SOTA activations that have been active above 28.500 and I ask that if at all possible please try and stay below 28.500. I realize that for some it is quieter above 28.500 but it is just as quiet between 28.300 & 28.400.

I am sure I am not the only SOTA Chaser in the United States that is a Tech. I think chasing SOTA’s is an ever growing part of the amateur radio hobby, especially with all the spots on the various clusters. Staying on frequencies where everyone can work you to encourage participation in SOTA is a good thing.

Just my 2 cents.


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Hi Brian,
I’m planning to be qrv again this coming Saturday and will stay below 28.5 this time! Hope to hear you again!

Thanks Andy, it was great to work you from West Lomond GM/SS-154. Hope we have conditions again this weekend. For sure I will be listening for you.


My activation this weekend was awesome on 10m. From here on out I will try to remember the Techs for freq selection.

Great, me too! Saturday is looking like one of GM/ES-28, 35, 43, 58, 56, 63 (or possibly both the last 2). It’s a shame that it’s the very act of approaching darkness that brings the propagation over the atlantic, as its that and the cold that flushes us off the hill (I’m not hardcore enough to do darkness descents!). It will all be different come the end of June though, it never goes proper dark here then!

Brain, that is noted for future reference.
But here in Europe we can not operate above 7200 on 40m as noted on the Sota weekend amount of stations running above 7200 the 41MB broadcast band is not gone here yet.

So WHEN one finally hits the slopes, will remember those freq’s when looking for N/A on 10m.

Useful information that be.

thanks again


Great to catch you on 10M today Brian, from GM/SS-192! Sorry I didn’t get the chance to do 28mhz yesterday on ES-056 and 063, we were under a lot of time pressure because the walk was quite long and the weather not very good!


Great to work you again Andy and thanks so much for being out there on 10m ssb. Look forward to trying for you from your next adventure !


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Here are my contacts on 10M SSB (28.342 MHz) this past Sunday from Arizona. Must have missed you.


17:40z EA2LU 28MHz SSB
17:41z HB9BHW 28MHz SSB
17:45z EA2DT 28MHz SSB
17:47z AE9Q 28MHz SSB
17:50z W4VIG 28MHz SSB
17:52z K9JAJ 28MHz SSB
17:54z NJ7V 28MHz SSB
17:55z N4TN 28MHz SSB
17:57z KB1RJD 28MHz SSB
17:58z KB1RJC 28MHz SSB

Hi Jim,
I’m missing EA2IF at 1750 in your list of QSOs.
I was pretty sure that our QSO really took place few minutes after EA2DT and so I logged it.

If you can confirm that there’s no mistake in your log and you didn’t really have QSO with me, please, let me know and I’ll click the delete button on my chaser log.
Thank you.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

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I’ll be looking for you!


Sorry, I believe I made a mistake in transferring my paper log to my electronic log. I remember our QSO, so please leave it in your log, and I will update the Sota and LoTW database accordingly.



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Thank you very much Jim.
That makes me happy :blush:
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

Jim K7JFD I saw your spot and immediately went to the frequency but just couldn’t pull you out. Heard the EA2 stations working you. I am 100% mobile so sometimes it is difficult. If I had a beam I may have had a shot. Maybe next time.



Ok maybe next time. I usually try to get on 10m if it is open on my activations. I don’t always have time depending on how many peaks I am doing or how long my hike is that day.

It might be time to upgrade as 10m will be start to decline soon and it seems the best 2 bands for sota chasing is 20m and 40m. I have multiple hamsticks for my truck and have worked many sota activators sitting in the parking lot of my work at lunch.
