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Just spotted on the BBC:

[Marilyn bagger from Peterborough scratches 22 year itch][1]

No radio (I presume?).

No activations of St. Kilda summits, yet…?
[1]: Marilyn bagger from Peterborough scratches 22 year itch - BBC News

It’s difficult to persuade the NTS that sticking a tent peg in the ground to secure a fishing pole will not cause the entire archipelago to collapse into the sea. On top of that you need to ensure the missile tracking station is happy with what you are doing. These nuggets I got from people who wanted to do a VHF expedition and decided it was easier to activate Spratley Island! Get permission and Connachair is straightforward 1hr20min from the jetty. Most day trips give you 6hr on land so allowing for walking and setting up you should get 3hrs+ to operate. The other summits are a little more involved!

They are more likely to be concerned that the peg might inconvenience a puffin, shearwater or petrel, these birds live in shallow burrows during the nesting season.


My chums were told they couldn’t insert anything into the ground anywhere on the islands. They couldn’t have a generator unless it stayed on the boat. They couldn’t run cables from the boat to batteries for charging on land and that batteries would have to be charged on the boat. There were limits of a few hours per day when the generator could run. The restrictions never ended, hence they gave up with the idea (VHF MS DXpedition 6/4/2m).

You could probably execute a smash’n’grab of Connachair with a few of you, one to hold the pole, others to operate, deploy antenna wires etc.