007 SOTAs activated - License to transmit

Yesterday I activated my 007 SOTA :business_suit_levitating:, I was also able to do a S2S Spain-Greece (20m) with which I won the Lazenby badget.
I was also able to adjust the resonance of my EFHW with which I have been transmitting all these months with an SWR value between 3 and 4 :pensive:.

It was the EA1/AV-013 summit (Cueva Valiente) at 1903m altitude located in the Sierra de MalagĂłn.

We made the ascent from the town of San Rafael starting in the Fuente de la Yedra parking lot, at 10:30 (GMT+2), first by track and then by mountain path, the beginning next to the course of the Gargantilla River. Arrival at the Summit of Cueva Valiente at 12:00 (GMT+2). Quite a few people doing routes and resting at the top. There was a surveillance shelter enabled, a very comfortable support to insert the pole for the antenna.

The day was sunny with a slight fresh spring breeze, I don’t think that the temperature at the top exceeded 20Âș. The descent begins at 3:00 p.m. on a fairly direct slope towards San Rafael, so the slope of the terrain is quite steep.

The activity begins on VHF as soon as we reach the summit plateau, with several successful contacts with some complications. With the activation of the HF in 40m the activity is not what was observed in previous activations, some colleague told me that the modulation wasn’t correct. Change to 20m and it was possible to make contact with 2 SOTAS in Greece without complications (Lazenby one!!). Return to 40m I can made QSOs at a much better pace. The feeling with other colleagues is that the propagation was very closed. At the end of the day the battery holder gives me a scare, I think a short circuit occurs due to a high intensity and no resistance that ignites the plastic of the negative pole cable of the battery holder causing smoke and alarm in the group, without damage to the unit. equipment and other material.

Start and end of the activity: 12:03 – 14:26
Equipment: Transceiver (tr)USDX for QRP (5w) and 20m EFHW wire antenna. Quansheng UV-K5(8)
Values ​​shown by the equipment at the beginning of the activity:
40m band: Output power: 3.50W. Efficiency: 75%. SWR: 2.44
20m band: Output power: 5.70W. Efficiency: 58%. SWR: 4.7

I deserved encouragement to send an activation report on my activation number 007 which, together with my recently adjusted EFHW, I have successfully obtained my “license to transmit” as an agent on Her Majesty’s service (SOTA).


Nice work! I’m sure you had a little help from Q. :smile:

I am still being surprised by various types of badges that pop up when I submit an activation report. Quite fun!



Thanks for your comment! Yes, my Q is EA7RX hehe

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You caught me reading the subject quickly, Juan.
I mistakenly thought it was about Sota summits with the references EAn/XX-007, hi.

This is probably because in some Swiss cantons there are -007 summits, of which I have activated, for example, those in the cantons AG, AI, BL, JU, LU, NE and TG.

Well done, keep it up.

73, Heinz HB9BCB


Interesting topic! I knew about CCn/XX-007 sotas yesterday with my new badget, but I realize that it was my SOTA #7 so 
I use this title as a good bait.

Thanks for comment! 73,

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