Xmas Quiz 2016 - answers thread

12 inches in a foot :white_check_mark:

15 men on a dead man’s chest (yo ho ho and a bottle of rum) :white_check_mark:

15 Players in a Rugby Union team :white_check_mark:

25 Years: silver wedding anniversary :white_check_mark:

50 years: golden wedding anniversary :white_check_mark:

20: a score :white_check_mark:

51: fail…

M1EYP: Depends on interpretation of the status of some components I suppose. I’m still happy with this figure.

1000 Metres in a kilometre :white_check_mark:

198 Radio France Long wave khz (guessing only):negative_squared_cross_mark:

911: emergency number in America :white_check_mark:

1966: decimal currency introduced in australia. Clue wrong. :). Wrong Currency in England? :negative_squared_cross_mark:

53: Herbie’s Number :white_check_mark:

Yes! Or as one of my kids said (when very young) Herbie Wun Kenobie!

1966: World Cup in England seems to fit, Andrew :white_check_mark:

I knew it would be some insignificant event like that… Decimal currency was much more important. Even had a (stolen) jingle.

22 Balls on a Snooker Table :white_check_mark:

23 Pairs of Chromosomes in the Human Body :white_check_mark:

23: David Beckham’s Number at Real Madrid and LA Galaxy :white_check_mark:

28 Dominoes in a Set :white_check_mark:


M1EYP: ?