Xmas Quiz 2016 - answers thread

Hmmm, you specifically invited argument and pedantry… ha ha ha ha ha ha

M1EYP: Yeah - so I could get involved in a few seasonal flame wars myself!

32 is the Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes :white_check_mark:

M1EYP: I’m starting to notice a few answers that have already been done. So some of these white ticks on green backgrounds don’t mean as much as others… :wink:

Doh! I missed the earlier answer!

7 Wonders of the World :white_check_mark:

9.81 Acceleration due to Gravity (meters/sec) :white_check_mark:

M1EYP: Already solved by FMF I think.

9.58: World 100 meter record (seconds) :white_check_mark:

12 Signs of the Zodiac :white_check_mark:

14 L in a S - 14 lb in a Stone :negative_squared_cross_mark:

M1EYP: Nice try Stewart! I would have written this one as 14 P in a S . No, this one is about something else.

13 Players in a Rugby League Team :white_check_mark:

100 centimeters in a meter :white_check_mark:

100 Legs on a Centipede :white_check_mark:

90 Degrees in a Right Angle :white_check_mark:

1.618033989…: The Golden Ratio :white_check_mark:

2.7182818: Euler’s Number :white_check_mark:

3.1415926535: Pi :white_check_mark:

VK2IO is striking me as the irrational type…

66 Books of the Bible :white_check_mark:

26 Letters of the Alphabet :white_check_mark:

Kronenbourg 1664 :white_check_mark:

52 Cards in a Pack (without Jokers) :white_check_mark:

13 Stripes in the US Flag :white_check_mark:

5 Toes on a Foot :white_check_mark: