Using remote receiving to chase / noise problems

I’m sorry (and surprised) you feel that way Jonathon, my point has always been based on the openness to all to take part in SOTA.
As for canning the thread - as it has gone off topic - as original Author of the thread, that is something l think all originators should have the ability to do, unfortunately only MT and reflector administrators can do that. I have had several threads that I created go way off topic and despite my best attempts and requests was unable to close the threads, so much so that often I will now not open a thread.

Trying to bring this back to the original subject - did you decide to investigate phasing two antennas further - perhaps one could be a beverage antenna. Another idea could be to mount a reflector element under one of your existing antennas to make it a better (more vertical) NVIS antenna (of course it depends where the interference is coming from as to whether this would help).

Of course a Skyloop antenna is a quieter (less interference impacted) antenna, but you need some space to install these full wavelength horizontal loop antennas.


P.S. If you find the source(s) of the noise, I’d report it to Ofcom, even if they do nothing about it, it will go into their statistics that it has been reported. If other (possibly commercial radio) users also complain of noise in the area, your report could help them get it resolved.

End of day golden rule is no remote off summit via remote station to chaser. In other words like matey uses his a lot from the windy city USA via and Austrian TX to talk to European stations. to me this is might as well Skype people via internet. Is a no no.
Yep could be done would catch a lot of far off Sotas around the world, BUT where would be the fun of that, Ionospheric jockeys we be and enjoy being at mercy of and its related cycle.

PS just to say this thread not been hijacked but mine got moved to here and was two different subjects in first place As one deals with remote SDR Rxing of Sota signals and the other using SDR to find that horrible annoying local noise is coming from and hopfuly cure it.

Remember Sota is not a competition, its an addiction and I well enjoys it :slight_smile:

Fellow Sota addict

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A true Beverage is a very long antenna. The best approach with receiving antennas it to position my Wellbrook clone as far away from the lines as I can. My master socket has a long cable to the take off point on the roof, I can have that shortened for a bargin price of £150… or I could be naughty

A sky loop is a possibility, but seen as the lines go around 3/4 of the way around the house I am not so optimistic. I can pick a 80m noise artifact with a simple piece of wire hanging from my receiver and raise it 2 S-units.

My noise is radiating off the telegraph poles, and is almost certainly related to VDSL. Today I found a leprechaun in the telephone cabinet, I did try to make it go and fix its nasty mess of RFI radiating wires, but it wasn’t having any of it.

Anyway, I have sent an email to John on the EMCC committee of the RSGB, lets see what happens…

As I said I can always move !

Very well said Karl…


Why? Look, Jonathon, if you are in the pub with a bunch of mates having a good old chinwag, do you keep determinedly dragging them back to the original topic or let the conversation drift where it will? No, you don’t put your mates in a conversational straight jacket, you let it flow naturally, don’t you? That is what these threads are, conversations, and conversations drift or die. Sometimes these little diversions turn out to be the most interesting and informative part of the thread, and a thread like this, which is really covering more than one topic at the same time, has more drift potential than usual. After all, in a case like this you cannot divorce a discussion of the technology from a discussion of the ethics of using it, can you, and philosophy is at best a fuzzy discipline!


Been using a loop here myself for past couple years now and the difference between the loop and the old G5RV, what a difference can hear more because the drop of 3 points in noise floor. Using a 1/4w cut RG6 75 ohm coax feeder X its VF factor of the RG6. Then run further normal coax if required, mine straight into ATU. PS full wave on 40m. Can tune it from 160 to 6m

Even got mine tuned into 6m and worked many Europeans off it and its only 22ft off the ground but am on top of hill that helps. Simple to make and put up in what ever shape you care to make it fit minds triangle from center feed point at house and 16SWG copper wire solid. Total length is about 44m and tuned to about 6.9mhz as its lowest.

Give it a whirl see what difference it can make for u and reduce those noises all being well.


Hi Jonathan,

Noise is the curse of the suburban dweller. Noise cancelling circuits and loops can certainly help and well worth trying, but sometimes even they fail and the use of a remote receiver is then the only alternative to moving, an expensive option.

The question is does using a remote receiver for chasing contravene the spirit of SOTA?

I don’t think it does. If it is too far away from your home there will be problems with you hearing but not being heard. That puts a practical limit to it.

The matter of using a remote receiving and transmitting station has been debated before on another thread so all I’ll say is it might contravene the spirit of SOTA, but lets not allow the conversation to drift off there eh? My shout I think.


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Spot on Ron and that is what I intend to do.

The reason I am going to keep this post alive is for the purpose of potentially helping another individual in the process of dealing with VDSL induced receiver noise.

Hi Jonathon,

Just tried a commercial noise cancelling box from the USA. Worked very well on 160 m on noises other than SMPS gurglies. Could not get any useful reduction on 80 or 40. Downloaded the manual. (The box is on loan and no manual was supplied.) It says the second antenna should have the same radiation pattern as the main one. That’s a practical problem in a small yard. Will have another go tomorrow.

I’ve used a loop and they have good nulling capability at 90 degrees to the coil.

The thing that stops me using a remote rx for SOTA is that it requires the internet. It’s only a small step from there to Skype, but I would use it for normal HF QSO’s.


G’Day Johathan,

To get over lots of local noise I use an active receiving loop into a TR/RX relay box then into an FT 857. The active RX antenna has made a huge difference in my situation, I have the null pointing towards the house and the loop in the garden. The loop used is actually two one metre diameter loops in figure 8 configuration and cross-coupled into one of Chadvars (LZ1AQ) Active Antenna Amplifiers; an impressive unit.

Obviously I disagree with Mr Moxon and it doesn’t feel like cheating.
All the best with the battle.

Regards Andrew VK1MBE