SOTAwatch3 issue?

Andrew, maybe give the elves another motivating slap :innocent:
Please :slight_smile:

API and therefore Spots and Alerts on and Sotawatch are down (2020-07-23 13:56 UTC)

EDIT: And while writing it is back in operation - sometimes. Thanks

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It was down for me most of this morning and still mostly now in VE7 land. Made getting my 4 contacts this morning somewhat challenging, but somehow I managed to get one spot through.

The status page shows it is or was a bigger issue today. Let’s hope the SOTA IT wizards can fix it.

There are some problems right now. Things are working but very slowly.

Things should be coming back now. A long running query caused other queries to back up and eventually chewed through our CPU allowance.

I see that SotaWatch appears to be slow / only partially functional today.

I tried twice to post a Spot for G7HEM/P on G/CE-002 and neither appeared.

I posted another using APRS2SOTA which send them to the API and that does not appear on SotaWatch, but all 3 appear when I query the API from APRS2SOTA.

Yet other spots are appearing on both SotaWatch and can be seen via the API.

It worked for me Stewart. I’ve looked at the activity graphs for the API servers, the load balancer and the API DB and nothing shows up as odd, all looks normal. Don’t know is my immediate answer.

Browser version? Cleared cache and cookies? If the API is returning them, then the spots were posted. There hasn’t been an update to the SW3 software in a month or two, so the problem must be somewhere in the browser running the javascript processing what comes back from the API.

I tried closing and cleared browser cache.
I still don’t see them now - nearly 3 hours later !

OK, open up the web console with F12, make sure XHR and Requests is selected, and send me the response via PM for the XHR GET request for, particularly the “Response” tab when you expand it.

(Assuming firefox, other browsers are similar processes)

There are certainly there for me

Chrome Browser - I just tried Edge (which I rarely use) and I can see the spots there !

Can’t see where to get the information you asked for in Chrome.

After another attempt at clearing the Cache it seems to be working !

For future reference, F12, click on “Network”, then you select XHR and you can see the response when you click on the individual requests below that.