S57D/P SOTA activations

VHF/UHF activation of Mokrec, S5/RG-016, 1056m a.s.l.:


73, Milos S57D

HF, VHF, UHF activation of Tosc, S5/CP-013 (1021m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

In reply to S57D:

How well does that Moxon antenna work? If you were starting again would you make another Moxon or make a small beam instead?

Nice pictures as usual.


In reply to MM0FMF:
Hello Andy.

Moxon antenna is working very well and Zvone, S57OPZ, made Moxon antennas also for 7 and 14MHz for our next activations. Moxon for 433MHz is very small, lightweight and efficiant directional antenna and I belive Zvone will make a lot of antennas for his friends, HI. We will stay with Moxon for now.

73, Milos S57D

5 band activation of Malenski vrh, S5/CP-009 (1054m a.s.l.)


73, Milos S57D

Activation of Krim, S5/RG-010, (1107m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Activation of Vrhovcev gric, S5/CP-010, (1048m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Solo activation of Grmada, S5/CP-028 (676m a.s.l.) by Sabina, S57BNX:


73, Milos S57D

Activation of Koprivnik, S5/CP-005 (1393m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Just to remind you, this weekend is slovenian SOTA winter activity weekend. We have very bad weather forecast for the weekend, so it will be not safe to climb on high mountains. Anyway S57OPZ, S57BNX and S57D will try to participate in the event as chasers, maybe on sunday as activators if weather conditions permit an activation. See you on the air…

73, Milos S57D

Activation of Krim, S5/RG-010 (1107m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Now there’s a great shack, Milos !!

Great to work you again and thanks for a new one



In reply to ON3WAB:

Hello Peter.

Nice to work you, too. Tomorrow we will activate Mt. Blegos S5/CP-003 and we hope to have another QSO with you.

73, Milos S57D

Activation of Blegos, S5/CP-003 (1562m a.s.l.):


73, Miloš S57D

Night SOTA activation of Sivka, S5/TK-022 (1008m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

First 70MHz SOTA activation in Slovenia - Pasja ravan, S5/CP-011 (1029m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Activation of Malenski vrh, S5/CP-009 (1051m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

Activation of Vrh Staneta Kosca (Rašica), S5/CP-031 (641m a.s.l.):


73, Miloš S57D

Activation of Tosc, S5/CP-013 (1021m a.s.l.):


73, Milos S57D

I am very sorry to report that Sabina, S57BNX injured her right leg (Ruptura tend. Achilli dex) while she was skiing in Sorica skiing resort near Slatnik S5/JA-035. She has got a plaster on her leg and will be off the SOTA summits activations for several months. Due to the circumstances I will also reduce my SOTA activations. I hope Sabina will soon get better and our radio signals will soon be heard again from the mountain tops.

73, Milos S57D