Rucksack Radio Tool Problem


RR is a wonderful tool and I can’t be without it.

However I find I now have an old spot showing as a current spot and I can’t get rid of it. It is for VK8ZKZ posted by VK1NAM.

I have tried uninstalling and downloading and reinstalling the application (twice) but the spot persists. It is for VK8ZKZ posted by VK1NAM.

I tried posting another spot for the same call, same summit and frequency in the hope it would overwrite the old one but no it didn’t although it showed up on SOTAwatch.

Does anyone have any suggestions on clearing this please?



In reply to AX3AFW:
Hi Ron,

I had the same problem and tried various ways to get rid of the spot. I stopped short of uninstalling though. After 24 hrs the spot went away though there’s no way to tell whether that was due to something I did. Anyway, try playing with the settings and switching off various bands. You might strike it lucky. Perhaps someone knows how to delete the data the program keeps on the current spots.

It is a great application - with just a few foibles.

Gerard - VK2IO

In reply to VK2IO:
Hi Gerard,

Thanks for your comments. I’ve had the problem for weeks, so it’s unlikely to go away by itself now.

Yes I did try deleting the data for this app but no change. I thought this would be the best approach but maybe I need to do it another way.

I’ve posted here because I’m fresh out of ideas.

I tried to get into the files using my computer but most folders show up blank probably because I have a MS operating system and the phone is Android.


In reply to AX3AFW:
Well I was able to get the VK8ZKZ spot back again by playing with the settings.
The rogue spot is still haunting my phone!

So to make it go away, in the Settings section I enabled “Bands, only selected” and then ticked bands of interest, but now I find that ticking all boxes works too. I have not ticked “VHF, only local” or “Modes, only selected”, but they do not seem to affect the rogue spot.

That should cure the problem for now in the absence of a more permanent cure.

Gerard - VK2IO

In reply to VK2IO:
Hi Gerard,
You are right, ticking the bands of interest does get rid of it. if I do not make a selection it comes back! It’s weird and obviously not a complete fix.

Anyway although I know its hiding behind the screen, not being able to see it is a relief.



In reply to AX3AFW:
Well thats interesting. I have mt RR set with SSB and FM modes. As soon I turned it off Up popped VK8ZKZ spot … how strange.
Put things back to my usual settings and it goes again.

In reply to AX3AFW:
Hi Ron

That’s interesting, thought I would check given it’s my spot that seems to be attracting so much attention.

I am VK1NAM and I’m getting the VK8ZKZ spot too?


Andrew, VK1NAM

I had RRT filters set on, turned off filtering and I get the same spot too.

This happened a few months ago with a NA spot. It went away after a while and all was good in SOTA land again.


In reply to VK1NAM:
Hi Andrew,

I suspect something happened in transmission of the data. The second line had some reference to W land which was weird and not appropriate.

This morning I turned the “settings” option off and it’s still all clear!

I had also sent an email to the RR author but he has a day job and I don’t expect a rapid response.

Anyway thanks to all especially Gerard for your suggestions.


Thanks for your email Ron.

I would ask the users of RRT to send me an email please if there is a problem with the app.

73 Joerg
mail at